Great Employees Flashcards
noun :

işleri aşağı çeken/yavaşlatan/engelleyen kimse,
- deadweight
noun : DEMAND
a demand that something must be done or that you must have a particular thing
diretme, ısrar
*Clare’s ——— on a vegetarian diet caused arguments with her mother.*
SAYING SOMETHING IS TRUE : the act of saying firmly that something is true, especially when other people do not believe you
inat, diretme, ısrar
*Jane was in trouble despite her —— that she had done nothing wrong.*

- insistence
noun : NO NAME
used to talk about someone or something without saying a particular name
falanca filanca, falan filan; bilmem kim
*It was the usual village news - so-and-so got married to –_—_– , and –_—_– ‘s having a baby.*
BAD PERSON : someone who you do not like
ismi lâzım değil; hınzır; Allah’ın cezası
*He’s a lazy –_—_– .*

- so-and-so
noun : the quality of not being proud or not thinking that you are better than other people

alçakgönüllülük, tevazu
*She knows more about that than I do” has the —— to put the larger goals of the team and the company first.*
*Human characteristic of being humble, thinking of others before yourself.*
- humility
noun : a strong difference of opinion on a particular subject, especially about an official suggestion or plan or a popular belief:
muhafelet, karşıt fikir
*When the time came to approve the proposal, there were one or two voices of ——.*
Synonym : disagreement
Compare : assent noun
in sports such as football and rugby, the offence of disagreeing with a decision made by a referee :
*Rooney was booked for —— after the referee failed to award United a penalty.*

- dissent
noun : extreme danger

büyük tehlike
*A shortage of firefighters is putting lives in —–.*
*His book describes the —–s of war.*
- peril
noun : someone who has left a school, college, or university after finishing their studies there:
*Several famous —— have agreed to help raise money for the school’s restoration fund.*
Compare : grad mainly us informal
graduate noun

- alumnus
noun : a mistake or bad characteristic that stops someone or something from being perfect
zaaf, zayıflık, kusur, hata
*There’s a —- in your reasoning.*
—–ed adjective
*a ——ed argument*
*Although the best employees are the ones who will point out in private when a plan is —–ed, they support decisions publicly once they are made.*

- flaw