Small Loans Make a Real Difference Flashcards
noun : money that someone has borrowed
borç para, ödünç para, kredi
*He repaid the —– within two years.*
*Small —–s Make a Real Difference*
be on —– : If something is on —-, someone is borrowing it.
ödünç alınmış
*Both paintings are on —– from the city museum.*

- loan
verb : to change the way something is expressed or considered:
*She is trying to —– the debate about the care of vulnerable children.*
*Revolutionary ideas come from —-ing problems, finding a new way to look at them.*
to put a picture in a new or different frame:
*I —-d the photograph and hung it in our bedroom.*

- reframe
noun : money or goods that are given to help a person or organization, or the act of giving them

bağış, yardım, hibe, teberru
*Would you like to make a ——?*
*Rather than describing this as a —–, which sets up a strong power imbalance, Kiva structures it as an investment.*
- donation
verb : GIVE OBJECT : to give something to someone for a period of time, expecting that they will then give it back to you
ödünç/borç vermek
*She —- me her car for the weekend.*
GIVE MONEY : If a bank lends money, it gives money to someone who then pays the money back in small amounts over a period.
kredi vermek
*The bank refused to —- us any more money.*
*The same $25 can be —-t again and again, and many lenders relend money as soon as it is repaid.*

- lend
adjective : kind, generous, and helpful
iyiliksever, cömert, hayırsever, yardımsever
*Although they are grateful for the loans, they do not see their business as a gift from a ——- stranger.*
——-ce noun : kibarlık

- benevolent
verb : INTERNET : to look at information on the Internet
internette bilgiye göz atmak, aramak
*to —— the Internet/Web*
READ : to read a book, magazine, etc in a relaxed way and not in detail
gazete, kitap vb. göz atmak, üstünkörü okumak
*She —–d through some travel brochures looking for ideas.*
SHOP : to walk around a shop and look at things without buying anything
mağazalarda alışveriş yapmaksızın aylak aylak dolaşmak
*I love —–ing around bookshops.*

- browse
noun : a —— to sth formal
proof of something good
bir şeyin kanıtı/delili
*It’s a —– to Jane’s popularity that so many people are celebrating with her today.*
*The stories in the profiles and on Kiva’s blog are a ——- to the power of microfinance.*

- testament
noun : SHOP : a small shop with an open front or a table from which goods are sold
satıcı sergisi, tezgâh, tabla; seyyar satıcı tablası
*a market —-*
ROOM : a small area in a room for washing or using the toilet
oda köşesindeki lavabo tuvalet
*a shower —-*

- stall
noun : ACTION : a plan or activity that is done to solve a problem or improve a situation
girişim, teşebbüs
*a new government —— to reduce crime*
*Kiva has a number of specific ——–s aimed at supporting the UN’s Millennium Development Goals.*
ABILITY : the ability to make decisions and do things without needing to be told what to do
kendi kendine karar verebilme kabiliyeti
*We need someone who can work on their own ——- (= without anyone telling them what to do).*
take the —— : to be the first person to do something that solves a problem or improves a situation
öncü/önayak olmak, başı çekmek
*Jackson had taken the —— and prepared a report.*

- initiative
verb : ENCOURAGE : to encourage something to happen or develop
olmasına/gelişmesine destek vermek; yüreklendirmek; cesaret vermek
*It seeks out projects that —— environmental sustainability, like a recent program to provide solar power to people in South America.*
*to —– good health/peace*
ADVERTISE : to advertise something
reklâmını yapmak, tanıtmak
*The band is —-ing their new album.*
JOB : to give someone a more important job in the same organization
terfi ettirmek, yükseltmek; rütbe vermek
*She’s just been ——d to manager.*

- promote