Social Network for History Flashcards
noun : a note in a book that tells you to look somewhere else in the book for more information about something

kitap içinde daha fazla bilgi için yapılan gönderme
*What if you could —–__——- the relationships of all of the interesting people in history?*
- cross reference
noun : (the study of) the history of the past and present members of a family or families:
*I became interested in the ——- of my family.*
[C] a drawing showing the history of a family with all past and present members joined together by lines

- genealogy
verb : to add a short explanation or opinion to a text or drawing:

açıklama eklemek
*——-d editions of Shakespeare’s plays help readers to understand old words.*
*Beginning with a program originally intended for tracking family genealogies, Jenkins connected and ————-d nearly thirty thousand people from fifteen centuries. *
- annotate
noun : an occasion when people in a country are officially counted and information is taken about them

nüfus sayımı
*It’s not like I downloaded the —— figures for 1851 and then started to play around with them*
- census
adjective : able to do something well
yetenekli, ehil, usta, kabiliyetli
*a ————- swimmer/teacher*
——–ce noun : the ability to do something well
ehliyet, yeterlik, yetenek, ustalık
———ly adverb
becerikli, ehliyetli bir şekilde

- competent
noun : the flow of blood around your body

kan dolaşımı
*Computer science is really entering the ——- of academia*
- bloodstream
noun : CONTROL : the control of people’s behaviour using rules and punishments
*There should be better —— in schools.*
SELF CONTROL : the ability to control your own behaviour carefully
öz disiplin
*I don’t have enough —— to save money.*
KNOWLEDGE : a particular subject of study
belli bir çalışma konusu, bilim dalı, spor dalı
the scientific disciplines
→ See also self-discipline

- discipline
noun : very small pieces of dry bread, used in cooking

ekmek kırıntıları, galeta tozu
*If you’re good at following the trail of digital ——– you can discover a huge amount on the web, supplemented by the information you find in libraries*
- breadcrumbs
noun : a small piece of information, news, conversation, etc, small piece of information

parça, bölüm, fragman
*I kept hearing ——-s of conversation.*
*If you’re looking for details—even if you’re only able to access a ‘—– view’ of a book—that’s still really useful for somebody trying to knit together a web of details.*
- snippet
adjective : similar or related:

*They sell dried fruit and nuts and other —— products.*
- kindred
verb : to make clothes using wool and two long needles to join the wool into rows

örmek, örgü örmek
*She was —-ting him a jumper.*
*that’s still really useful for somebody trying to —– together a web of details*
- knit
adjective : not following traditional ways of behaving or old ideas

geleneksel davranış biçimlerini ve eski fikirleri takip etmeyen, özgür, serbest, başına buyruk; özgürlükçü
a ——- woman
- liberated