Ranking Employees Flashcards
verb : to consider or study something carefully and decide how good or bad it is
değerlendirmek, değer/paha biçmek, derecesini belirlemek
——-ion noun : değerlendirme
*After decades of problems with its “stack ranking” system of employee ——-ion, Microsoft is finally ending the program.*

- evaluate
adjective : having the opposite effect from the one you want

ters etkili, aksine, ters tepen
*Employees responded in an entirely rational and ———– way— they avoided moving to more challenging teams*
- counterproductive
noun : TRUST : the belief that someone or something is good, right, and able to be trusted
güven, itimat
*Have —— in me. I won’t let you down.*
STRONG BELIEF : strong belief in a god or gods
inanç, itikat
*Throughout her illness, she never lost her —– in God.*
RELIGION : a religion
*the Jewish and Christian ——s*
in good —– : If you act in good —-, you believe that what you are doing is good, honest, or legal.
iyi niyetle

- faith
— phrasal verb : to make someone or something compete against someone or something else

kapıştırmak, boy ölçüştürmek
*Teams of athletes were —ted —– each other.*
*And while a bit of pressure can motivate people, constantly —ting employees —— one another is terrible for morale.*
- pit sb/sth against sb/sth
noun : the ending of someone’s job by an employer, usually because there is no more work

işten çıkarma
*Several hundred more —–s are planned next month.*
- layoff
adjective : NOT NATURAL : not natural, but made by people
yapay, insan yapımı
*an —— heart*
NOT SINCERE : not sincere
samimi olmayan, yapay, suni
*A high performer, unmotivated by such ——- demotion, behaves like a mediocre.*
——-ly adverb : suni bir şekilde

- artificial
verb : to be moved to a less important job or position, especially as a punishment
(ceza olarak) daha alt bir göreve getir(il)mek; rütbesini indirmek
—–ion noun : indirme
*A high performer, unmotivated by such artificial ——ion, behaves like a mediocre.*

- demote
verb : to make someone want to do something:

teşvik etmek
*We need to ——- our sales managers to achieve these targets.*
*——-ing antisocial behavior only makes a company more dysfunctional.*
- incentivize
adjective : not behaving, working, or happening in the way that most people think is normal

normal olarak kabul edilen şekilde olmayan/çalışmayan/davranmayan; alışılmışın dışında işlev sergileyen
*a —— family/childhood*
*Incentivizing antisocial behavior only makes a company more ——-.*
- dysfunctional
verb : to give some time, money, space, etc to be used for a particular purpose

ayırmak, pay ayırmak, vermek, tahsis etmek
*The government has promised to allocate extra money for health care.*
*Stack ranking makes clear the problem of resource —–ion.*
- allocate
adjective : DIFFICULT : difficult or causing problems
çetin, zor ve sorun çıkaran, sakar
*an —— customer*
EMBARRASSING : embarrassing and not relaxed
münasebetsiz, uygunsuz, mahcup eden
*He seemed a little —– when I first met him - a little shy perhaps.*
NOT ATTRACTIVE : moving in a way that is not attractive
hantal, biçimsiz, yakışıksız
*His movements were slow and ——.*
——-ly adverb : problem yaratırcasına, zor bir şekilde
——-ness noun : problem yaratan, zor durum

- awkward
adjective : NOT OBVIOUS : not obvious or easy to notice
kolay farkedilmeyen/anlaşılmayan; aşikâr olmayan, ince, girift, göze çarpmayan
*a —– hint*
NOT STRONG : A —- flavour, colour, etc is delicate and not strong or bright.
belli belirsiz; kolay farkedilmeyen
CLEVER : clever in a way that does not attract attention
kurnaz, cin fikirli, ustalıklı, ustaca
*a —– way of solving the problem*
—–ly adverb : farkedilmesi kolay olmayan bir şekilde, sinsilikle

- subtle
noun : a tidy pile of things
yığın, küme, istif
*a —- of books/CDs*
—–s of sth informal : a lot of something
yığınla, bir sürü
*There are —– of studies linking salt to high blood pressure.*

- stack