Champion of Play Flashcards
adjective : B1 very pleased

memnun, sevinçli, keyifli
I’d be —– to accept your invitation.
They didn’t expect to win—they were just —— to be there.
- delighted
noun : B1 a feeling of being very happy and enthusiastic

heyecan, coşku
The competition is causing a lot of ——.
Following the —— of a major tournament win, Auerbach decided to share his Frisbee skills with children all over the United States.
- excitement
to try to do several things at once, when it is difficult to have enough time
yeterli zaman olmadığında aynı anda bir çok şey yapmaya çalışmak
Many women have to —– work and family.
THROW AND CATCH : to keep two or more objects such as balls in the air by throwing them repeatedly, usually in order to entertain people
hokkabazlık yapmak

- juggle
noun : a child who has just learned to walk

yeni yürümeye başlayan çocuk
He loves to share the Spin Jammer, a special Frisbee that has a cup on the underside so that anyone, even a ——, can spin it on their finger.
- toddler
noun : EQUAL : someone who is the same age, or who has the same social position or abilities as other members of a group
yaşıt, akran
Most teenagers want to be accepted by their —-s.
When you see what makes your —–s laugh, you see what makes them tick, what motivates them.
PERSON WITH TITLE : in the UK, a person who has a title and a high social position
lord, Britanya asilzadesi

- peer
verb : INTEREST : to interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it
ilgilendirmek, meşgul etmek, dikkatini çekmek
The debate about food safety has ——–d the whole nation.
EMPLOY : to employ someone
iş vermek, işe almak
I have —–d a secretary to deal with all my paperwork.

- engage
noun : C1 a short performance that an actor, musician, dancer, etc. gives in order to show they are suitable for a particular play, film, show, etc.:

mülakat, seçme sınavı
His —– went well and he’s fairly hopeful about getting the part.
After a few seasons with the Hartford Ballet in New York City, he ——-ed for Teatro Teresa Carreño in Caracas, Venezuela.
- audition
adjective : B2 large in amount or size
büyük, geniş, geniş çaplı
The hurricane caused ——- damage.
——-ly adverb : kapsamlı bir şekilde
He traveled —–ly, performing shows where he demonstrated his tricks.

- extensive
informal : If you know — — —- — you understand why that person behaves the way he or she does.

davranışlarının sebebi; neden öyle davrandığının gerekçesi
- what makes sb tick
noun : the ability to understand what something is really like, or an example of this

(bir şeyin içyüzünü) anlama/kavrama yeteneği
The book provides a fascinating ——- into the world of art.
And that’s some deep ——-!
- insight