wh 14 n Flashcards
sun goddess
Mongol dynasty in China
Belief spirits inhabit everything
overthrew mongol rule in china
zhu yuangzhang
promotion system in china
Dynasty that fell, in part, to Turkish Revolt
First power to emerge from Central Asia-
seljuk turks
The three kingdoms of Korea: Sills, Paekche, and-
Dominant European power in Indonesian by the 1500’s
The _______ empire was the largest in history.
To get a government job in China, one must pass a ______, based on ______
Civil Service Exam, Confusianism
________ was and is a traditional form of art and enervation England in S. E Asia
Shadow Puppetry
Chinese imports included _____, hides, silver, and ______
Cotton, glass
In China, the _______ dynasty had the largest capital in the world, ______, which had two million inhabitants
tang, changan
Aside from the use military, how did the Mongols keep control over the Chinese?
-Kublai Khan
-Mongols did not have much experience with government
-Chinese had a long history of organized government
-Mongols kept many aspects of Chinese rule
-Also kept features of the Chinese form of government but made sure Chinese politicians did not gain too much power
-Ended civil service examination for choosing officials
-Instead, gave jobs to Mongols and trusted foreigners
-Chinese officials were given little to no power
-Confucian thought remained strong during Mongol rule
-Kublai worked to rebuild China
-Printed trade and contacts with the rest of the world
How did the feudalistic life of Japan compare to that of European feudalism? How was it different?
-Societies were build on a system of heredity classes (nobles on top, warriors next, tenant farms & serfs
at bottom)
-Low social mobility
-Constant warfare made warriors an important class (KNIGHTS IN EUROPE AND SAMURAI IN JAPAN)
-Knights were supposed to know the concept of chivalry
-Samurai were supposed to know the concept of Bushido or, “Way of a Warrior”
-samurai would commit self-die to atone for their transgressions in order to obtain power.
-Japan Feudalism : based on the ideas of Confucius
-European Feudalism: based on Roman imperial laws and customs