wh 13 Flashcards
A way of thinking that values faith and reasoning. (Used to understand God)
One step away from a triple threat, the Troubadours.
Traveling Poet-Musicians
Everyday language used in a specific region.
Holy journeys made to a specific destination for RELIGIOUS purposes.
Spanish Assemblies.
License for self-rule.
Untrained workers who work without pay to study a craft underneath of an advisor.
Maintained standards of quality for the town’s economy and oversaw trade.
Owned his own tools and probably a shop where he practiced his craft.
There were a total of how many crusades?
The Muslim group that came into power and started the first Crusade.
seljuk turks
What Pope called for the first crusade?
Pope Urban II
Leader who united the Muslims and took Jerusalem in 1187 A.C.E.
The two main seaports in Europe were Venice and __________.
The most famous trade fair in Europe was in ________________.
Said faith and reason can exist together with God.
Thomas Aquainas
The Hundred Years War was fought between _______________ and _____________.
england and france
The term used to describe Spain’s effort to defeat the Moors on the Iberian Peninsula.
Assembly of German Princes that elected the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
Burned at the stake for heresy against the Catholic church.
Jan Hus
The followers of John Wycliffe were called _______________.
One effect of the Crusades was…
Increase in trade throughout Europe and the Middle East.
At the end of the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic church…
Declined in importance and authority.
The period from 500 A.D. to 1500 A.D. is known as the…
middle ages
The first Crusade was commonly known as the…
The People’s Crusade
Major ally of England towards the end of the Hundred Years War.
Where did the Angles and the Saxons settle?
Many crusaders stayed in the Holy Land to set up __________ ________.
fuedal states
The Crusade of Kings was headed by by Richard I, Philip Augustus, and _______________ ___________________.
Frederick Barbarossa
These were used to buy your way out of purgatory.
The War of the Roses was fought to control the _________ __ ____________.
The throne of England
The style of architecture with thick walls.
The Gothic style used _________ ____________ to support the roof.
Flying Buttresses
Spain set up the inquisition to catch _______________.
During the Babylonian Captivity, the popes stayed in ____________, France because of Italian ___________ ________.
Avignon; Feudal Wars
John Wycliffe criticized the Catholic Church and rejected the belief of Papal _____________.
What was/describe the Great Schism (NOT ORTHODOX RELATED) in the Catholic Church?
- Babylonian Captivity = Pope fled to Avignon, France to escape Italian Feudal Wars and relocated/reassigned positions to France.
- Fast forward, the cardinals are back in Italy to elect a new pope (probably would’ve been French because most everyone in the church was French).
- Italian mobs threatened the lives of the cardinals demanding that they receive an Italian pope. The Cardinals did as the mob asked, but also elected a French pope when they left Italy.
- Neither pope would step down. There were 2 popes.
- A few years later, a council gathers against the wishes of the popes and elects a new pope in the hopes of stopping this ridiculousness.
- None of them step down. We have 3 popes.
- A council forces all of the popes to step down and elects a new pope. There is only 1 pope again.
Describe “New Learning” in the late Middle Ages. Who/what was against it and why? What was the outcome?
- Information from the Romans and the Greeks was rediscovered.
- The church did not like the teachings of philosophy and science because it was a way that humans try to explain God.
- Scholasticism = The use of reason and faith to understand God.
- Thomas Aquinas, a monk, wrote Summa Theologica and claimed that reasoning was God’s gift to man. He said that it was okay to study these things and the church accepted his ideas.
Describe Spain’s treatment of non-Christians before and after the war against Muslims in “Spain” was over.
- Spain was split into three Christian realms with other neutral territories.
- Religious tolerance: Each religious community had their own representatives/laws in government.
- After the Moors surrendered at Granada, the Iberian Peninsula was completely under Catholic control.
- Ferdinand and Isabella ended religious tolerance. 1) Acted the Edict of Expulsion, which drove Jews and Muslims who wouldn’t convert to Catholicism out of Spain. 2) Set up the Inquisition.
What were the causes and effects of the Hundred Years War?
- England had French land due to the French-born English king and all of the political marriages.
- France wanted the land back.
- Succession was muddled and often disputed.
- France was split into two sides, one of which supported England.
- French morale was high, land was in shambles.
- English land was okay, morale was bitter.
- Feudalism declined because there was no need for castles and armies were government-established and semi-permanent.