luong midterm r+a Flashcards
Trickster p.g. 241
someone that easily deceives people
Sack p.g. 241
take control of, destroy
Unsown p.g. 244
not having been sown
Shipwright p.g. 244
person who builds ships
Anchorage p.g. 244
area that is suitable for ships
Disembark p.g. 244
to get off a ship
Citadel p.g. 245
fortress on high ground in the center of a city
Aggressors p.g. 245
person or country that attacks first
Wrought p.g. 246
metal made by hammering
Provisions p.g. 246
food, especially for a journey
Suppliant p.g. 248
someone who makes a humble plea to someone in power
Scepter p.g. 248
ornamented staff carried by rulers
Bidding p.g. 248
order or request
Diligent p.g. 249
showing care in one’s work
Quiver p.g. 250
archers case for holding arrows
Fathom p.g. 250
a unit of measurement