bio test 12/14 (mallory) Flashcards
levels of organization
- chemical level (C,H,O,N,P)
- cellular level
- tissue level
- organ level
- system level
- organism level
feedback loop -
monitoring the conditions in our body and responding in such a way to maintain homeostasis (using positive and negative feedback)
integumentary system main organ ex
skin and glands
integumentary system function
- protection from surroundings
- regulates body temperature
skeletal system main organ ex
skeletal system function
- support for muscles
- determines shape
- production of
- red blood cells
- white blood cells
- platelets
muscular system main organ ex
muscular system function
- allows for movement
- maintains posture
- regulates temperature
digestive system main organ ex
stomach, esophagus, liver
digestive system function
- converts food to break it down]
- eliminates unused materials
respiratory system main organ ex
respiratory system function
- put oxygen into blood
- take carbon dioxide out of blood
circulatory system main organ ex
circulatory system function
- transports O2 and nutrients to all cells of body
- carries off CO2 and waste products out of the cell
lymphatic system main organ ex
lympth (liquid part of blood)
lymphatic system function
- returns fluid to blood
- defends body against infection
urinary system main organ ex
kidney and bladder
urinary system function
- removes waste from blood
- excretes waste out of body
reproductive system main organ ex
ovaries and testies
reproductive system function
- reproduce next generation
female - produce eggs
male - produce sperm
our body uses the ________ and ___________ system to maintain homeostasis
nervous and endocrine system
nervous system main organ ex
brain and spinal cord
nervous system function
- receives and process info
- stimulates muscles to react
- regulates internal functions
endocrime system main organ ex
endocrime system function
- secretes hormones
- eliminates unused hormones