6B Flashcards
paxaroma was
200 years of peace in rome (no one invaded them)
4 emperors related to ceaser was called
julia clauden
tiberius way of punishing
breaking their legs :(
who was tiberius grand nephew
how did caligula become emperor
he took the signud ring off tiberius
signud ring =
ring of rule (emperors wore)
how did caligula die
killed by a gaurd
why did the guard kill caligula
cali was weird w him so guard and senate planned and kill cali
why were the people low key glad caligula died
he got a mental illness and got crazy did weird things and a rapist
who was caligulas uncle who was the next ruler
claudius married
paetina his neice and caligulas sister
claudius was an alcoholic and his wife
slept with eveyrone cause she was mad. they divorced
claudus died who was next
why did claudius set rome on fire
it was old and ugly
sircuses =
gladitorial games, fights n stuff
why did neros rep go down
he joined fights and was a furry
he got suspicous of senate and killed 2
he became enemy and suicide
since nero had no kids what hap
ppl were like wow all 4 sucked so army chose next emperors
what city was important for trade and under roman rule
things rome did to judea
said keep your religion and gov just honor our emperor more than anythign even religion and CALL EMPEROR THE CHIEF PRIEST
whats the republic called now
the empire
transports lots of water to city
public baths =
bathing and bathroom payed like a dime to get in and sponge as tp
bath house =
bathing but also pool sauna and cold also sometimes business
sewer =
was a sewer
circus maximus =
cheap food and entertainment to keep ppl happy
coliseum =
brothel =
prostitute place
so many types of people languages and religion made it so rome
had a lot of holidays (like everyday)
had picture menus so ppl who cant read latin can order
41 ac was
after god died :(
why dont jews in judea like emperor
cause they have to call them head priest (put above religion no me gusta) and cause rome chose their leaders
why arent jews liked when tradinf
cause they dont like emperor
jesus wasnt jewish and had a ton of different ideas on stuff whatd people call him
massiah who would free em form gov cause dont like gov cause under roman rule
jesus was pacafist
so ppl were a bit like “not massiah?”
like river phoenix jesus loved all
like prostitutes and tax collectors
people thought jesus would
free thier spirit to hraven
jesus was a threat to judea gov why?
he wasnt jewish and being jewish was really important to ppl also his fans did revolts n stuff in his name (not pacafist)
jesus wasnt a war massiah but
was a religion massiah (would make em change religions)
why did jesus go to jerusalem and start a riot
he wanted to get arrested case he didnt like gov getting money off relig
what happened after jesus set to death
followers ran away and spread the word
who did christianity appeal to
poor people (majority)
roman had problems with christianity cause
poor ppl majority –> poor ppl christian = no soldiers and no respect for emperor
how were christians treated badly
called traiters, cannibals and were killed a lot
who was first christian emperor
emperor constantine
what was edict of malan
all relig allowed
how did constantine affect view of christ
became more popular, made a merged book, made christ offic religion
FALL OF ROME pax romana ended what hap
emperors kept getting killed super early –>
tons of instability
FALL OF ROME whatd general diocletian do
split rome to 2 (east and west) for better management
who got east half of rome
who got west half of rome
where was new capitole
idk ton of crap happens