chapter 6a Flashcards
what mountains protected rome
appanine mountains
who was high class
who was low class
etruscans culture mixed with who
who was tarquick
rapist leader got kicked
after tarquick was kicked rome became a
republic means
no king they elect leaders
what was high class called
what was low class called
aristocracy was now
etruscans and latins
how could plebians be rich and still be plebe and aristocracy could be poor and still be aristocracy
it depends on who you were born to and not your money or anything
plebians were citizens but couldnt
hold public office
why did people want to be senators
you can make laws to help your business and get money
there were 2 what in the assembly branch
why are patricians called consoles
cause they consult eachother before making a law
in a crisis they would have a
temporary dictator
why are plebians mad what do they do
theyre mad cause they cant run for office and thye didnt serve in military
because of the plebe revolts what was made
the assembly of tribes
what was the assembly of tribes
plebes would elect tribunes to veto gov decidions
because of ass of tribes what was changed
plebes and aristo could marry and written code of law they wrote down the laws
romes expanding casually to
punic wars who v who
rome vs carthaginians
carthage and rome were both
major trade cities
rome was slowly expanding to carthage so (war 1)
carthage attacked obv
cause carth attacked (war 1)
they had a navy battle
what did rome change about navy fights
beofre boats would smash into the side of eachother and sink the other but rome parked by the side and sent soldiers across, now they have a free boat
(war 1) rome won so carthage had to
pay rome the worth of war
20 years later (war 2) started how
some guy hannibal and someone else wnated to invade romeq
hannibal and hannipal went to rome through alps mountains why
rome was chill there didnt expect soldiers to come through there SURPRISE ATTACK
hanny brought elephants what hap on the alps
they died
han man made it and attacked rome what hap
hastrugal was kidnapped by rome and was put for ransom
who was hastrugal
i think hannibals hannipal?
hannibal payed the ransom what hap
rome sent back pieces of his body to say we dont like you
hannibal attacked random cities what hap to both han and rome
han widdles down his army and rome loses a lot of lives
whatd skippeo
he sent message he was attacking carthage while hanny was busy in italy this made hanny leave rome and go home
hanny lost war 2 he had to
pay cost of war, land gone, navy fleet gone
50 years later carthage built up navy and army and trade
theyre now economically powerful
war 3 kato really didnt like carthage and destroyed them
rome won the 3rd war and now rome controlld the mediterreran
30% of the republic was
as rome expanded a big prolem was
a widening gap between rich and poor
slave revolts =
servil wars
huge estates=
how did soldiers become visible low class
they returned from the army and were jobless so they went to citites like rome to look for jobs and didnt get one
visible low class =
people on the street aksing for money
3rd servile war (most famous) was led by
sparticus and others
to get food and more slaves for the war sparticus would
rob latifundias
why did gov. not like sparticus and army
cause they robbed and killed rich ppl otherwise them/ business partners/ firends
spartys losing so they
pay pirates to take them away
sparty and pirates plan on going to
caulkin penninsula
how do romans beat sparticus before leaving w pirates
they pay pirates to know where they are and kill them
after all the slave revolts rome
became more military
rome more military so military generals
became consoles
damarius is known for changing the roman army by
making his own army of poor people and promised land when done
damarius is known for changing the roman army by
making his own army of poor people and promised land when done
because it was marius’s own army
the soldiers were more loyal to him than the republic
marius used _____ to get more land
pompey and crassus are _____- who _____
they were consoles and invited ceaser to be a 3rd console
FLASHBACK ceaser was caught by a pirate and was ransomed
thye said the ransom price he was like more. he chilled then killed them
cornelia =
ceaser married for love then divorced
ceaser was invited to be a 3rd console which was called
to get a good name ceaser
invades a ton and gets famous for it
rine river and ceaser story
no one crossed rine river so ceaser crossed it w his army just to say we can do this whenever
crassus dies so no longer tir now its
a console of pompey and ceaser
pompey was threatened by ceaser why
cause hes way too popular
pompey was threatened and got senate to bring back ceaser
ceaser comes back to rome but w his army (illegal)
legion =
why ceaser bring hsi legion
for a “parade”
pompey leaves when ceaser gets back to rome
ceaser gets “curious” and follows and they fight
after fight w ceaser pompey runs to
egypt king tolomey 8
egypt queen cleopatra 7
tolomey 8 sends tolomeys head to ceaser to be nice
ceaser upset they were buddies
cleo was in hiding why
she tried to overthrow tolomey
ceaser team w cleo and took over why cleo
people like cleo and wouldnt like it if ceaser just took over
cleo and ceaser have a kid =
people wanted ceaser to be king
he says no
people theorize he said no cause
his only kid is in egypt and ceasarion is goign to be next pharaoh of egypt
whos adopted by ceaser
who looks like ceaser and might be the kid of ceaser and his mom
brutus annoyed cause hes ceasers kid and he adopted a kid to be the next so
he starts conspiring to kill him also a ton of senate people too
ceasers assassinated by
senators chased him then ceaser tripped and they stabbed him a sword
senators didnt have the support of killing ceaser with
the military and the people
to calm down the people after ceaser death
octavion calms down them and says dont kill ALLL the senators
octavion kills some and doesnt kill some why didnt he kill some
so they owe him their life
new triumpherant
octavian and antony threaten lepidus and he bows down
they got respect now they dont need an old guy
octavion owns
left rome and africa
marc antony owns
right africa/ egypt and right rome
antony visits egypt and
falls in love with cleopatra and sends divorce to wif
marc antony and octavion were brothers in law
after octavion divorces sis hes no longer brothers
who was married to octavia (octavions sister)
marc antony
octavion upset antony left rome to egypt
octavion goes to senate and says
senate and octavion fights egypt
antony sneds cleo to alexandria to be safe
by the time cleo gets to alexandria egypt is taken over by rome
shes sent home and put in house arrest
cleo under house arrest isnt pharoah who is
her son with caeser, caesarion
cleo didnt want to be publicly humiliated and her husband antony was dead so
cleo killed herself (wasnt a snake that bit her probably smuggled poison to herself )
antony shows up after cleos suicide hes alive
he hears shes dead and kills himself
caesarion killed
threat to octavion
after caesarion was killed egypt
is officially part of rome
children of cleo and antony were going to be killed but
octavia ex of octavion said lemme raise em
octavian now dictator for life he changes his name
augustus caeser (the first caeser)