Week/Chapter 1 Flashcards
Creates and controls mental functions.
Creates representations of the world.
Analytic Introspection
Early psych.
Trained participants describe the experience and thought processes in responding to stimuli.
Artificial Intelligence
When computers can perform tasks associated with human intelligence.
John B. Watson.
Observable behaviours only.
Dump introspection.
Choice Reaction Time
Time taken to respond to one of two or more stimuli.
Classical Conditioning
Pairing neutral stimulus with unconditioned stimulus to elicit a similar response to neutral stimulus.
Mental processes involved in perception, attention, memory, language, problem solving, reasoning, decision making.
Cognitive Map
Mental conception of a spatial layout.
Cognitive Psychology
Study of mental processes.
Determining characteristics and properties of the mind and its operations.
Cognitive Revolution
Shift in psychology beginning in 1950s.
Behaviourist approach to explaining behaviour in terms of the mind.
Measures electrical responses of the nervous system.
Information-Processing Approach
Processing information through a sequence of stages.
Behavioural effects of brain damage in humans.
Operant Conditioning
B.F. Skinner.
Strengthening or weakening behaviour by presenting or removing appealing or unappealing stimuli.
A system of ideas guiding the thinking in a field.
Paradigm Shift
A shift in thinking from one paradigm to another.
Reaction Time
Time taken to react to a stimulus.
Presenting a stimulus and responding timed.
Measures the magnitude of memory left from initial learning.
Savings Curve
Plot of savings vs time after original learning.
Scientific Revolution
Occurs when there is a shift in thinking from one scientific paradigm to another.
Explains perception as the adding up of small elementary units called sensations.
Donder’s Experiment
Choice reaction time - simple reaction time to measure time taken to make a decision.
Quantifying a mental process.
Ebbinghaus’ Experiment
Savings method to measure rate of forgetting.
Less savings, less remembered.
Quantifying a mental process of remembering/forgetting.
Wilhelm Wundt
Founded first lab of scientific psychology 1879.
Analytic introspection.
William James method of studying the mind?
Observed the operations of his own mind.
Rise of Behaviourism
Watson dumps introspection - results vary, difficult to verify. Classical conditioning and stimulus-response relationships.
B.F. Skinner - operant conditioning.
Edward Tolman
Cognitive map proved by rat in plus-sign maze with reward in same spot while moving rat’s beginning spot.
Noam Chomsky
Doubts Skinner’s Verbal Behaviour book.
Children say things they aren’t rewarded for, new words, poor grammar. Cannot be explained by operant conditioning.
What led to cognitive revolution?
Digital computers inspire information processing approach. Mental processes broken down into stages.
Acknowledging multiple stimuli but only attending to some (filter).
Cognitive Psych in 1967 (Neisser)
Focus on vision and hearing.
Lacking higher mental processes.
Lacking physiology aspect.
Illusion of the Expert
Tasks seem simpler than they really are.
Behind the scene processes occur to complete “simple” tasks.