Week 9-Urinary system Flashcards
Small artery
Active form of Vitamin D; secreted by the kidney
Calix; Calices; cup-like collecting region of the renal pelvis
Tube for injecting or removing fluids
Nitrogeneous waste excreted in urine
Pertaining to the cortex
Inflammation of the urinary bladder
Direct visualization of the urethra and urinary bladder with an endoscope/cystoscope
Diabetes insipidus
DI; antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is not secreted or there is a resistance of the kidney to ADH
Diabetes mellitus
DM; Insulin is not secreted adequately or tissues are resistant to its effects
Chemical element that carries an electrical change when dissolved in water; necessary for functioning of muscles and nerves; kidneys maintain proper balance of electrolytes and water in blood
EPO; hormone secreted by the kidney to stimulate the production of RBCs by bone marrow
Glomerular capsule
Enclosing structure surrounding each glomerulus; Bowman’s capsule; collects the material that is filtered from the blood through the walls of the glomerulus
Tiny ball of capillaries in the kidney
Blood in urine
HD; uses an artificial kidney machine that receives waste-filled blood from patient’s bloodstream, filters it through an artificial porous membrane (dialyzer), and returns the dialyzed blood to the patient’s body
Depression in an organ here blood vessels and nerves enter and leave
Interstitial nephritis
Inflammation of the connective tissue that lies between the renal tubules
Metabolic state characterized by raised levels of ketone bodies in the body tissues (diet low in carbs, diabetes)
Urinary tract stones are crushed
Meatal stenosis
Narrowing of the opening of the urethra at the external meatus
Kidney stones
Combination of glomerulus and renal tubule where filtration, reabsorbtion, and secretion take place in the kidney; 1 million nephrons in a kidney
Nitrogenous waste
Substance containing nitrogen and excreted in urine
Frequent excessive urination at night
Peritoneal dialysis
PD; uses a catheter to introduce fluid into the peritoneal cavity. Wast materials in the capillaries of the peritoneum pass out of the bloodstream and into the fluid. Fluid with wastes is then removed by catheter.
Process whereby renal tubules return materials necessary to the body back into the bloodstream
Renal artery
Blood vessel that carries blood to the kidney
Renal pelvis
Central collecting region in the kidney
Renal tubule
Microscopic tube in the kidney where urine is formed after filtration
Hormone secreted by the kidney, raises blood pressure by influencing vasoconstriction
Abnormal narrowing of an opening or passageway
Triangular area in the urinary bladder
Tube leading from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body
Examination of urine to determine the presence of abnormal elements that may indicate various pathologic conditions
Urination, expelling urine through the urethra
Nephrotic syndrome
Nephrosis; group of clinical signs and symptoms caused by excessive protein loss in urine
Polycystic kidney disease
PKD; multiple fluid-filled sacs (cysts) within and on the kidney
Removal of a stone from within the renal pelvis or from the ureter
Renal calculi
Kidney stone
Renal failure
Decrease in excretion of wastes results from impaired filtration function
Renal hypertension
High blood pressure resulting from kidney disease
Renal ischemia
Asnephric ischaemia; deficiency of blood in one or both kidneys or nephrons; usually due to functional constriction or actual obstruction of a blood vessel
Retrograde pylogram
RP; xray image of the renal pelvis and ureters after injection of contrast through a urinary catheter into the ureters from the bladder
Secondary hypertention
Increase in blood pressure caused by another medical condition
Failure of the kidneys to produce urine
Inflammation of the trigone
Surgical implantation of a ureter into an isolated segment of the ileum which drains through an abdominal stoma
Urethral stricture
Abnormal narrowing of the urethra
Wilms tumor
Malignant tumor of the kidney occurring in childhood