Week 8 - Readings: WSF Roadmap Flashcards
What is UBC’s goal for committing to well-being?
- 10% increase in community members who feel UBC is committed to wellbeing
What is UBC’s goal for collaborative leadership?
- All faculties and units are engaged with wellbeing action
What did UBC partner with the Office of Provost to build?
- Capacity for units to embed cross institutional plans into their strategic planning and decision-making
How does UBC report on efforts to increase wellbeing?
- Multisolving approach
Why does UBC use a multisolving approach to reporting on wellbeing?
- ensure wellbeing efforts align with other People & Place priorities
What has UBC done to improve food & nutrition wellbeing?
- Create affordability plan
- Launch community food hubs
- Make residence dining 100% healthy beverage aligned
What has UBC done to improve mental health and resilience wellbeing?
- Train managers and leaders on mental health literacy
- Healthy equity plan to guide work
- Create shared hub for training resources
How does UBC aim to improve collaborative leadership going forward?
- Refine Active Wellbeing toolkit
- Host 10-year celebration of UBC wellbeing
- Co-develop content with UBC wellbeing partners
- Co-lead Canadian Health Promoting Campuses Network
- Mentor new host universities
How does UBC plan on improving Food and Nutrition wellbeing in the future?
- Work towards 100% healthy beverage vending machines
- Review HBI at retail locations
How does UBC plan on improving Physical Activity wellbeing going forward?
- Plan to implement Canada 24Hr movement guidelines
- Integrate wellbeing breaks in classroom/workplace
- Hybrid work arrangements
How does UBC plan to improve Built and Nature Environment wellbeing going forward?
- Mobi e-bike share program
- Update childcare expnasion plan
- Open more student housing
How does UBC plan on improving social connection wellbeing going forward?
- Sociodemographic data analysis
- Launch Voice 6: Understand experiences
- New programs/services for marginalized groups
How does UBC plan to improve mental health and resilience wellbeing?
- Decolonial approach to health
- Health Equity Plan
- Course