WEEK 8 (Arabic Medicine) Flashcards
What was the “Age of Translations”
A period of 3 years where the Ancient Arabs focused on assembling, collecting and translating the texts of Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman doctors
Which city was called ‘City of translations’?
What were the cities of scholarship?
Baghdad and Cairo
Knowledge of the Greek legacy came to the Arabs through which source?
Through christian sectarians who were driven out of BYZANTINE EMPIRE and translated Greek authors into other languages
Describe Prophet Muhammad’s profound influence on most aspects of Islamic life
- Believed in education and taught that physical and spiritual well-being went hand in hand
- Two areas of knowledge that had true value: Knowledge of FAITH and the BODY
Who quoted “God sends down no malady without also sending down a cure”
Prophet Muhammad
What influence did Prophet Muhammad have on medicine?
- Sensible eating and drinking to maintain good health
- He paid attention to his visions and told what he learned to healers
- Supported the use of honey & cupping
- Did not support wearing of amulets for supernatural powers but believed they could be used to ward off illnesses
Who is known as the greatest physician of the Islamic world?
Al-Ra zi
Al-Ra zi was considered to be the Father of ________________ and a pioneer of obstetrics and ophthalmology
What did Al-Ra zi promote?
Experimental medicine
In which city was Al-Razi the director of the first hospital in?
According to Al-razi what were the responsibilities of the physician and the patient?
PHYSICIAN = to treat patient ethically
PATIENT = cooperation and obedience to physician
Who offered one of the earliest written reports on an allergy and what he recommended for a cure?
Al-Razi’s book al-Judari wa al-Hasbah was the first book describing ____________ and _____________ as distinct diseases
Smallpox & Measles
What were Al-Razi’s achievements in neurology and neuroanatomy?
- Stated that nerves had motor or sensory functions
- Assigned numerical order to cranial nerves (from optic to hypoglossal nerves)
- Link between anatomic location of lesion and clinical signs
- First physician to separate and recognise concussion from other similar neurological conditions
Who discovered the pupil’s reaction to light?
What were Al-Razi’s achievements in mental illness?
- Established a section for the treatment of the mentally ill when he was director of the main hospital in Baghdad
- As part of discharge planning, each patient was given a sum of money to help with immediate needs
What were Al-Razi’s achievements in Pharmacy?
- Introduced mercurial ointments
- Developed pharmacy instruments (e.g mortars, pestles, flasks, beakers and glass vessels)
- Recognised toxicity of arsenic
Who is referred to as “Prince of Physicians”
Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
What discoveries did Ibn Sina come up with?
- Description of Newton’s first law of Motion
- Description of time and motion (same conclusion as Einstein)
- Wrote the theory of the elements
Who wrote the Canon of Medicine?
Ibn Sina
What is included in the Canon of Medicine?
- What to look for when inspecting urine and how to evaluate strength, elasticity, rhythm and speed of pulse
- 760 drugs
- A good physician needs access to be able to assess water quality -> bad water causes disease but iron helps with diarrhoea
- Relationship between mind and body
Describe a remedy described in the Canon of Medicine
Soothing olive oil baths to help with JOINT PAIN -> if pain was bad due to damp weather, boiling a lizard in oil would make it more effective
What was Ibn an-Nafis’ theory of the heart?
He described that blood needed to travel from the right ventricle to the lungs to acquire air and then return to the left ventricle
Were there hospitals in Ancient Arabia?
[Hospitals became one of the great achievements of medieval Islamic society]
Hospitals were open for everyone (TRUE/FALSE)
[Hospitals were open to male and female, civilian and military, adult and child, rich and poor, Muslim and non-Muslim]
How did Islamic physicians obtain their training?
By studying under a specific doctor
How did women physicians receive their training?
In a private one-on-one setting with a tutor
Women were not allowed to be treated by male doctors (TRUE/FALSE)