week 8 Flashcards
Respiratory system structure + function, ventilation and gas exchange, transport + cellular respiration
Functions of the respiratory system
- Gas exchange
- Protection from:
- dehydration
- temperature changes
- pathogens
- Produce sound
- Olfaction
2 Airway components
- bronchi
- bronchioles
3 Parenchyma components
- functional tissue
- blood vessels
- alveolus
Label the upper respiratory tract
paraanasal sinuses nasal cavity soft palate hard palate nostril oral cavity tongue trachea pharynx larynx vocal cords
Random saying
C 3, 4 & 5 keeps the diaphragm alive
Upper respiratory tract
Nasal cavity
- air warmed and humidified
- surface area increased - warming
- turbulence for filtration
- conduit
- protects airway
- produces sound
Label the lower respiratory tract
larynx tracheal cartilage left primary bronchi left lung bronchioles alveolar sac alveoli diaphragm trachea right primary bronchi right lung ribs intercostal muscles
C shaped cartilage
mucosal layer
divides into R & L bronchi
The bronchial tree
bronchus + one
primary, secondary & tertiary
as they divide increase cartilage, decrease smooth muscle
- smaller diameter
- lack cartilage support and mucus-producing cells
- complete layer of circular smooth muscle
- diameter regulated by ANS
- two types of bronchioles: terminal & respiratory
Respiratory zone
- respiratory bronchioles and alveoli
- large surface area & thin walls allow gas exchange
Path from nose to alveoli
external nasal nasal cavity internal nares pharynx larynx epiglottis trachea broncho bronchioles terminal bronchioles alveoli
when the bronchi and bronchioles dilate, decreasing resistance in the respiratory airway and increasing airflow to the lungs.
constriction of the airways in the lungs due to the tightening of surrounding smooth muscle, with consequent coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath
- thin walls
- note relationship with capillaries
- note elastic fibre
reduce surface tension
- reduce alveolar
immune system effects
- directly bactericidal
- enhance phagocytosis
Respiratory defences
nose hair muciciliary escalator cough & sneeze reflexes alveolar macrophages antibodies
how the air moves in and out of the lungs
Gas exchange
how oxygen & CO2 are exchanged between lungs & blood, blood & tissues
Gas transport
Oxygen & CO2 in the blood
Gas laws
Air moves down pressure gradients
increase volume = lowers the pressure
gases move from high pressure to low pressure
decrease volume = increase pressure
Mechanics of breathing ( 2 phases)
INSPIRATION (inhalation) - air flows into the lungs
EXPIRATION (exhalation) - gases exit the lungs
Respiratory cycle
Air flow occurs from area of higher pressure to an area of lower pressure
Gradients (3 types)
P outside = P inside — no air movement
P outside > P inside — air in
P outside < P inside — air out
Airway resistance
Air flow changes inversely with resistance
- airway diameter: (bronchodilation & bronchoconstriction)
- nature of air flow
- lung compliance: change in transpulmonary pressure to achieve change in lung volume
Inspiratory muscles contract diaphragm descends & rib cage rises intrathoratic volume increases lungs stretch intrapulmonary pressure drops gases flow In until intrapulmonary pressure =0
Inspiratory muscles relax diaphragm rises & rib cage descends intrathoratic volume decreases lungs recoil intrapulmonary pressure rises gase flow OUT until intrapulmonary pressure = 0
- essential for normal breathing
- surrounds each lung
- double layered membrane
- parietal layer (chest wall)
- visceral layer ( stuck to lung tissue)
- pleural cavity with fluid in between
Dead space
- anatomical dead space: volume of the conducting respiratory passages (150mL)
- alveolar dead space: alveoli that ceases to act in gas exchange due to collapse or obstruction
- total dead space: sum of alveolar and anatomical dead space
Regulation of respiration
- apneustic centre - inspiration/ rhythm
- pneumotaxic centre - switch of inspiration
- dorsal respiratory groups - dominant
- ventral respiratory groups - exercise & stress
Receptors (5)
central chemoreceptors peripheral chemoreceptors irritant receptors baroreceptors J-receptors
Internal respiration
Gas exchange between blood and tissues
Gas exchange
02 & CO2 transported in blood (limited solubility in plasma)
02 - dissolved in plasma
- attached to haemoglobin
CO2 - dissolved in plasma
- converted to carbonic acid - attached to haemoglobin
Main CO2 transport
Carbonic acid
Main 02 transport
CO2 and pH
more CO2 = more H+ (acidic)
less CO2 = less H+ (alkaline)
ACIDOSIS - more H+ than usual
ALKALOSIS - less H+ than usual
Haemoglobin and Partial pressure
Higher P02 (patial pressure of oxygen) results in greater Hb (haemoglobin) saturation
- increase P02 = Hb binds 02
- decrease P02 = Hb releases 02
- 02 binds to iron (Fe2+) in the haem units
- four haem units = four 02 binding sites
- oxyhaemoglobin (Hb02)
Environmental factors affecting Hb
Any change in shape of haemoglobin will affect oxygen binding
- P02 of blood
- Blood pH
- Temperature
- Metabolic activity within RBC’s