Week 7 Flashcards
Links personality and Olympics
Hours put into training,
Determination, Dedication imp. Normally distributed probably.
Difference sports, different athletes. Thrill seekers, sensation seeking, snowboarders, seem different than other, more relaxe carefree in the moment,
1. Determination personality characteristic
2. Some do better than expected, do expected, or worse,
Clutch performer, or choking (underperforming
Medal standings
Only look at gold
Only look at total
Or team sports worth more.
Clutch performers vs choking?
Suggests single gene predisposes us to these.
Worriers vs warriors termed in this article
Chocking means underperforming
Bilaudeau, human motivation course guest speaker talking about sports psychologist, moguls. Mental skills training.
Allow athletes to manage anxiety and stress.
Video clips of Olympics
Interview dufour
Wayne Hallawa the sport psychologist
Jennifer hiles iinspired chloe
Chloe new she had talent guts and courage, her approach throughout full year training. Never missed training session.
They each found different things to inspire them.
Bilodeau, no limits
Top five in world at World Cup, are medal hopefuls.
Canada used to perform poorly. Lots of money involved.
Canada changed its planning. Put money into preparing athletes.
Preparation in clutch way. Mental epeeformance.
Now look at Jennifer hiles
And Wayne
Jen took year off then found team to support her.
Interview with Wayne
Key words
Optimal mindset: get rid of past or future thoughts
Calm mind active body.
Need confidence,
Sports psychology are called mental performance psychosis ts
Mental training consultants.
What are the four ingredients
Four ingredients Natural talent, Hard work Simulations: perfect run in world event, snow gave out and disqualified, good simulation of Sochi, pay for international trips Mental skills
First three are met by most countries, everyone reaches that ceiling, mental skills training defines the best from the best.
Need good facilities, coaches infrastructure
Other psychology things like
arousal regulation: mostly through focus cognitive skills
Wander mind no good.
Themes for Sochi
Adapt and adjust
Team for Sochi. 50 ppl, for the games wow. We need to be able to adapt. Ex. Rochester, mother died two days before games. You have a plan, but you need to be able to adapt and adjust.
Technique, for athlete or performance preparation
I know list…
Days before, ten things you know about you to bring with you on the day.
I’m healthy, fir, I’ve trained well, …
Art of being helpful, figure out what works for them, the best key word. Ex. Joanie: In control, stand tall”
Justine Affame, French for hungry
Bill deal: No regrets, F it, let’s go,
Antoine: apply the pressure
Note should focus on being one on the attack
Helps with self-efficacy,I think it is centering too
Specific to a certain context, not the same as self esteem.
Does not match actual ability.
Reason we choke
Athlete, most is automatic.But if we stop and think, that slows you down, and cause problem,s so best to rely on instinct.
Words needed for mental, physical and emo state, said in a row.
Self efficacy related to
I know list Specific to a certain context, not the same as self esteem. Does not match actual ability. Strengthens bolsters self efficacy. Something to focus on for confidence.
Motivational frame
Wayne technique
Focus on how athlete will hold up to pressure
Honor privilege, not keep pushing and pushing, no got to, you GET to. Motivational. I agree
Why do some handle pressured and others not?
Mayo not hold up, but genetic factor.
Dopamine braeakdaown in brain.
Preforontal cortex flooded with dopamine, effect whether it is rapidly or slowly reduced. Some ppl, have a variant where there is slow or fast uptake of dopamine, slow uptake is beneficial, but under pressure want fast uptake.
Ex. SAT, girl 15, not handling stress well. Slow uptake of dopamine. Coftg
Superstitions can be helpful.
Genetic marker
Taiwan competency test, sample of blood, had gene, quick uptake performed better.
Navy pilots: subsequent research turns out slow uptake could be disadvantageous, if those getter aiming and are very we ll prepared they do just fine. Fate is not sealed by this gene. More imp. To have practise and training how to manage stress.
Jeremy Jamison studies
Ok think differently about stress. Practise test. Think stress beneficial and can interpret stress as something will help them, these students did better. Two month later also did better.
Gre study, public speaking.
Carps diem,
More blood flowing, when you think this,
The reappraisal model
How does it relate to Wayne’s approach
Look at the slide,
Koestner thinks Wayne just uses this model to help ppl. Re appraise stress