Week 6 - Gynecological & Obstetrical Surgery Flashcards
to remove or destroy tissue
ovaries, fallopian tubes, and their connective and vascular attachments
microscopic examination of the cervix
herniation of the bladder into the vaginal wall
Dermoid cyst
mass arising from the germ layers of the embryo that contains tissue remnants
Electrolytic media
fluids that contain electrolytes and therefore can transmit electrical current
perineal incision made during the second stage of labor
leiomyoma; fibrous, benign tumor of the uterus
excessive proliferation of tissue
Incomplete abortion
expulsion of the fetus with retained placenta before 20 wks gestation
absorption of fluid into the vascular system, leading to hypertension and possible death due to fluid overload
LEEP (loop electrode excision procedure)
technique in which an electrosurgical loop is used to remove a core of tissue from the cervical canal
fibroid; fibrous, benign tumor of the uterus
onset of menstration
excessive bleeding during menses
Missed abortion
abortion in which the products of conception are no longer viable but are retained in the uterus
blunt-nosed instrument that is inserted through the sheath of a rigid endoscope/hysteroscope to protect tissue as instrument is advanced
PID (pelvic inflammatory ds)
caused by STD or some other source of infection; causes scarring of fallopian tubes and adhesions in abdominal and pelvic cavities
through the cervix; surgery performed by passing instrument through the cervix
Amniotic fluid
fluid around the fetus in the uterus
Amniotic membranes
two membranes that encase the fetus, amniotic fluid, and placenta during pregnancy
APGAR score
method of assessing neonate according to respiratory rate, color, reflex response, heart rate, and body tone
Birth canal
material pelvis and soft structures through which the baby passes during birth
Breech presentation
presentation of the baby in which buttock or feet deliver first
procedure in which suture ligature is placed around the cervix to prevent spontaneous abortion
Cord prolapse
complication of pregnancy in which the umbilical cord emerges from the uterus during labor, may be compressed against the maternal pelvis or vagina
seizure during pregnancy; usually a result of pregnancy-induced hypertension
Ectopic pregnancy
implantation of the fertilized ovum outside the uterus
type of anesthesia in which anesthetic is delivered through a small tube into the epidural space of the spinal cord to relieve pain in labor
Fetal demise
death of the fetus
Gestational age
age of the fetus as measure in the number or weeks from conception
continuous bleeding from a pathological cause
Incompetent cervix
condition in which previous cervical injury results in repeated spontaneous abortions
process of regular contraction of the uterine muscle that results in birth
nearly sterile fecal wast that accumulates while the fetus is in the uterus; passed within the first few days after birth
Normal spontaneous vaginal delivery (NSVD)
normal birth process
Nuchal cord
complication of pregnancy in which umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck of the fetus
organ that transfers selected nutrients to the fetus during pregnancy
Placental abruption
premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall after 20 wks gestation and before the fetus is delivered
Placenta previa
complication of pregnancy in which the placenta implants completely or partly over the cervical os
period of pregnancy before birth
refers to the part of the baby that descends into the birth canal first
Suprapubic pressure
pressure that is applied downward on the pt’s abdomen just above the pubic bone
muscular organ that holds the fetus and the placenta during pregancy
LAVH (laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy)
removal of the uterus by a combined laparoscopic and vaginal approach; specimen is removed vaginally
Pelvic exenteration
performed to treat metastatic cancer; complete removal of the rectum, distal sigmoid colon, urinary bladder, distal ureters, internal iliac vessels, and their lateral branches; all pelvic reproductive organs, lymphnodes, entire pelvic floor, pelvic peritoneum, levator muscles, and perineum are removed
Radical hysterectomy
dissection and wide removal of the uterus, tubes, ovaries, supporting ligaments, upper vagina, and pelvic lymphnode chains
removal of a benign leiomyoma of the myometrium to control bleeding an prevent pressure on other structures in the pelvis
Anterior-posterior repair (A & P repair)
herniated tissue of the anterior and posterior vagina is reduced, and the vaginal walls are reconstructed