Week 5 - General Surgery & Robotics Flashcards
device that connects the endoscope to the camera
the intensity of a signal (in electronics)
High definition (HD)
type of video format; greater clarity than standard definition
Insertion tube
long, narrow portion of the flexible endoscope that is inserted into the body
Instrument channel
channel that extends the full length of a flexible endoscope and receives instruments during flexible endoscopy
inflation of the abdominal or thoracic cavity with carbon dioxide
unintented absorption of irrigation fluids into the body
Knot pusher
device used to secure suture knots during minimally invasive sx
Control head
proximal section of a flexible endoscope where the controls are located
Direct coupling
transmission of electricity directly from one conductive path to another
process of positioning the robotic instruments can safely attach to their ports in the body cavity
Elevator channel
channel that extends the full length of a flexible endoscope and receives biopsy forceps or other instruments
Diagnostic endoscopy
diagnostic procedure in which long, flexible, fiberoptic tube is inserted into a body cavity for viewing and diagnosis
Camera control unit (CCU)
main control source for the video camera; captures video signals from camera head and processes them for display on the image system
endoscopic surgery of a joint
Active electrode monitoring (AEM)
method of reducing the risk of patients burns during monopolar electrosurgery
Light cable
light guide; fiberoptic light cable that transmits light from the source to the endoscopic instrument
type of robotic sx in which sx is performed from a nearby location through computer mediated instruments; no direct physical contact with instruments occurs
Veress needle
spring loaded needle used to deliver CO2 during insufflation
Stereoscopic viewer
robotic sx, binocular lens system of the surgeon console
mechanical device that can be programed to perform tasks
element in each silicon chip contained within a device that produces electronic images
abdomen insufflated or distended with CO2 during laparoscopy
Optical angle
angle at which light is transmitted at the distal end of a fiberoptic or video endoscope
Master controllers
robotic sx, the nonsterile hand controls that manipulate surgical instruments
Light source
device that controls and emits light fro endoscopic procedures
Image system
combined components of the endoscopic system, which create the image capture in the focal view of the endoscope
Haptic feedback
tactile feedback
outside the body; MIS, technique for placing sutures in which knots are formed outside the body and tightened after they have been introduced into the surgical wound
surgical endoscopic that has the capability of morcellation (tissue fragmentation)
Video printer
device that stores and prints output data viewed through the video endoscope
White balance
procedure for adjusting the light color of the video camera to other components of the system
Digital output conroller
during video-assisted sx, digital recorder processes digital signals captured from the video camera and transmitted to image system
Minimally invasive surgery (MIS)
performed using a rigid lensed telescope and long instruments which are introduced into small incisions at operative site
Appendectomy (laparoscopic approach)
appendectomy removed laparoscopically
Abdominoperineal resection
complete removal of rectum and anus with pelvic dissection and removal of portion of the colon; tx for rectum cancer
performed to examine tissue and/or obtain biopsy specimen of sigmoid colon and rectum
Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy
portion of the tail of the pancreas is removed fro palliative tx of malignant tumor or to remove benign lesion
Segmental resection of the liver
performed to remove a portion of the liver to treat benign or malignant tumor
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
performed to bypass the distal stomach and reestablish continuity from the stomach to jenunum
Removal of Meckel’s diverticuum
occurs at the distal illeum; prevents ulceration and perforation
performed to reduce gastric enzymes by severing the nerves that control their release; selective occlusion of portions of the vagus nerve as it branches over the stomach
lower GI endoscopy; endoscopy of large instestine
procedure in which abdominal cavity is surgically opened
elongated lobulated gland the lies inferior to liver behind stomach
kidney-shaped organ that is extremely vascular and relatively soft; lies under diaphragm in left upper abdomen
large vascular organ that aids digestion and the filtration of toxic substances from the body
Standard definition (SD)
type of video format; displays 640X480 pixels in a rectangular image
surgical instrument with a 3-sided cutting point enclosed in a tube; made of an obturator, cannula, and a seal placed through abdomen during laparoscopic surgery