Week 10 - Ophthalmic Surgery Flashcards
process of focusing
Brindle suture
temporary traction suture place through the sclera used to pull the globe laterally for exposure
clouding of vision caused by crystalline lens of the eye, it’s capsule, or both become opaque
cold probe is used to freeze tissue
low-power cautery used to mark the sclera over an area of retina detachment
surgical removal of the globe and accessory attachments
surgical removal of the contents of the orbit
removal of the entire contents of the orbit
Focal point
point where light rays converge and after passing through a lens
elevation of the IOP
sx of the cornea
Muscle recession
sx performed to reposition eye muscle to release the globe
Muscle resection
sx performed to shorten the eye muscle to pull the globe into the correct position
high frequency sound waves are used to emulsify tissue
triangular membrane that arises from the medial canthus
light rays are bent as they pass through a transparent medium that is denser than air
Spatula needle
flat-tipped suture needle
inability to coordinate the extraocular muscles
1% Atropine
mydriatic, dilator
Epinephrine 1:100,000 (preservative free)
mydriatic, added to BSS during phaco
Pilocarpine hydrochloride (1%, 4%)
miotic, duration 10 - 20 min
Tetracaine hydrochloride (0.05%)
topical anesthetic
Lidocaine (1%, 2%, 4%)
injectable anesthetic, duration 40 - 60 min, 120 min with epi
Bupivacaine (0.25%, 0.05%, 0.75%)
injectable anesthetic, duration 8 - 12 hours with epi
Epinephrine (1:50,000, 1:200,000)
additive to local anesthetic to prolong anesthesia and reduce bleeding
lubricant and support, maintains anterior chamber intraocularly
Balanced salt solution (BSS)
irrigant, used topically or intraocularly
Betamethasone sodium phosphate (Celestone)
anti-inflammatory (glucocorticoid), injected subconj
Besamethasone (Decadron)
adenocorticosteroid; injected subconj
Gentamicin sulfate
antibiotic, injected subconj, topical
Cocaine (1% - 4%)
used topically only, used on cornea to loosen epithelium before debridement
antimetabolitic (sp), used topically to inhibit scar formation in glaucoma filtering procedures and pteygium excision
Repair of an entropion
repair of an abnormal inversion of the lower eyelid
Repair of an ectropion
repair of drooping of the lower eyelid
creation of a permanent opening in the tear duct for drainage of tears
Lacrimal duct probing
lacrimal duct opened and obstruction removed
Muscle resection and recession
performed to correct strabismus
Penetrating keratoplasty
corneal transplantation
LASIK (Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis)
performed to shape the curvature of the cornea and correct a refractory problem
Extracapsular cataract extraction
Anterior vitrectomy
performed to remove vitreous from anterior chamber
Scleral buckling
resorting layers of retina to their normal positions and prevent blindness
Orbital decompression
one or more bony section of orbital cavity are removed to reduce pressure on the optic nerve
Argon laser trabeculoplasty
argon laser is used to shrink collagen and stretch the canal of Schlemm, therefore expanding the canal increasing drainage and reducing IOP
Orbital exenteration
removal of the entire eye and orbital contents (incl. eyelids, ocular muscles, and orbital fat); tx for cancer
ophthalmic ultrasonography; depicts tissue density as amplitude on two axes
Excision of a chalazion
removal of nodal tissue arising from sebacous gland; excised from tarsal plate
IOP (intraocular pressure)
fluid pressure inside the eye
IOL (intraocular lens)
replacement lens (implant)