Week 4 - General Surgery Flashcards
Abdominal peritoneum
serous membrane lining the walls of the abdominal cavity
Direct inguinal hernia
hernia that results from weakness in the inguinal floor
protrusion of the viscera outside the body as a result of trauma or wound disruption
abnormal tract or passage leading from one organ to another or from an organ to the skin
protrusion of tissue under the skin through a weakened area of the body wall
Incarcerated hernia
herniated tissue that is trapped in an abdominal wall defect
Incisional hernia
post operative herniation of tissue into tissue layers around an abdominal incision
Indirect inguinal hernia
hernia that protrudes into the membranous sac of the spermatic cord
Linea alba
strip of avascular tissue that follow the midline and extends from the pubis to the xiphoid process
McBurney incision
incision in which the oblique right muscle is manually split to allow removal of the appendix
replace or push herniated tissue back into its normal anatomical position
Strangulated hernia
hernia in which abdominal tissue has become trapped between the layers of an abdominal wall defect
Ventral hernia
weakness in the abdominal wall, resulting in the protrusion of viscera against the peritoneum and abdominal fascia
organs or tissue of the abdominal cavity
surgical procedure in which two hollow structures are joined
Billroth I procedure
gastroduodenostomy; surgical anastomosis of the stomach and the duodenum
Billroth II procedure
gastrojejunostomy; surgical anastomosis of the stomach and the jejunum
Bowel technique
method of preventing cross-contamination between the bowel contents and the abdominal cavity
Exploratory laparotomy
laparotomy performed to examine the abdominal cavity when less invasive measures fail to confirm a diagnosis
surgical opening through the stomach wall connecting to the outside of the body or another hollow structure
Morbid obesity
condition in which the patient’s body mass index is 40 or higher, and the pt is at lease 100 lbs over the ideal body wt
opening created in a hollow organ and sutured to the skin to drain the organs contents
descriptive term for tissue that means fragile and easily torn, may bleed profusely
surgical removal of one or more anatomical secretions of the liver
Segmental resection
anatomical resection of the liver in which segments divided by specific blood vessels and biliary ducts are removed
a procedure in which breast tissue (incl. skin, areola, and nipple) is removed, lymphnodes NOT removed; simple masectomy
Modified radical mastectomy
procedure in which the entire breast, nipple, and areolar region are removed; lymphnodes usually removed
Sentinel lymphnode biopsy (SLNB)
procedure in which one or more lymph nodes are removed to determine whether a tumor has metastasized
Skin flap
flap that is created by incising the skin and cutting it away from the underlying tissue to which it is attached
Subcutaneous mastectomy
procedure in which the breast is removed, skin, nipple, and areola are left intact; lumpectomy
Midline (upper and lower)
incision made through the skin, subc, and linea alba center of fascia layer to which the rectus muscles attach; exposure of lower esophagus, stomach, small intestine, liver, biliary system, spleen, pancreas, proximal colon
Paramedian (upper and lower)
muscle splitting incision; less painful than a subcostal muscle-cutting incision for access to upper quadrants; exposure of right-> biliary system, pancreas, left-> spleen, sigmoid colon
inscion follow the lower rib margin in a semicurved shape; painful postop, exposure of right-> biliary system, spleen, bilateral -> liver transplantation
Inguinal (oblique)
incision used to gain access to the inguinal region for hernia repair; may be used for internal access to the spermatic cord; exposure of the muscles and fascia of inguinal abdominal wall, spermatic cord, inguinal ring, abdominal ring, inferior epigastric artery and vein
Lower transverse (Pfannenstiel)
incision follow the natural skin fold to achieve cosmetic closure; exposure of uterus, adnexa, bladder, access for cesarean section
Small intestine
proximal portion of the intestinal tract; extends from pylorus of stomach to proximal end of large intestine (d, i, j)
Large intestine
Extends from the distal ileum to the rectum and divided into -> ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum
Loop colostomy
double colostomy; both sections of cut bowel are brought out through the abdominal wall; allows bowel to remain nonfunctional for a period of healing
Partial colectomy
performed to remove a section of diseased colon and restore continuity to the intestine
Abdominoperineal resection
anus, rectum, and sigmoid colon are removed en bloc through combined abdominal and perineal incisions
Appendectomy (open technique)
removal of the appendix where perforation has occurred, significant risk of perforation or abdominal mass discovered
Appendectomy (laparoscopic approach)
removal of the appendix using a laparoscopic technique
removal of hemorrhoids for pain management and to prevent bleeding and infection
Excision of a pilonidal cyst
removal of pilonidal cyst (congenital defect where epithelial tissue develops below the surface of the skin in the area of the sacrum and coccyx)
Excision of an anorectal fistula
excised to promote approsimation of tissue edges and close the tract
Laparoscope cholecytectomy
laparoscopikc removal of gallbadder
removal of the spleen
Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple procedure)
head of pancreas and duodenum and portion of the jejunum, distal stomach, and distal section of common bile duct removed, the biliary system, pancreatic system, and gi tract are reconstructed; curative or palliative tx for pancreatic cancer
Laparoscop distal pancreatectomy
portion of the tail of the pancreas is removed for palliative tx of a malignant tumor or to remove a benign lesion
Segmental resection of the liver
remove portion of the liver to treat benign or malignant tumor; removal of 1 or more of the 9 liver segments