Week 14 - Peripheral Vascular Surgery Flashcards
ballooning of an artery as a result of weakening of the arterial wall
dilation of an artery using endovascular techniques
ds characterized by thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of the arterial wall
incision made in an artery
causes plaque to form on inner surface of an artery
Y shape of an artery or graft
Doppler duplex ultrasonography
type of ultrasoundography that amplifies sound that pass through tissue and produces a visual image of blood flow
moving substance in the vascular system
surgical removal of plaque from inside an artery
renal replacement therapy; process in which blood is shunted out of the body and end stage renal ds
term referring to the pressure, flow, and resistance in the cardiovascular system
blockage in an artery that may lead to ischemia and necrosis
In situ
“in natural position or normal place without distributing or invading surrounding tissues.”
Intravascular ultrasound
diagnostic tool in which a transducer is introduced into an artery and ultrasound is used to translate the physical characteristics of the lumen into a visual image
decrease in or absence of blood supply
inside of a hollow structure (blood vessel)
“through the skin,” in sx - incision not made, catheter or other device is introduced through or puncture site
tubular device placed inside an artery for dilation, support, and prevention of stricture
any organic or nonorganic material blocking an artery
Umbilical tapes
length of cotton mesh tape used to loop around a blood vessel for retraction; vessel loop
Venous stasis
pooling of blood in the veins and caused by inactivity or ds; caused by distention of the veins
Vessel loop
device used to retract a vessel during sx
Systolic pressure
higher pressure; occurs during contraction of ventricles
Diastolic pressure
lower pressure; occurs during relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle
Central venous line
central line, method of administering IV drugs, solns, parentral nutrients, and blood draws for pts requiring long or medium term tx; main line insertion end in vein, distal end outside of body
Heparinized saline solution
used to prevent coagulation in the area of the operative sessels
Topical thrombin
dry powder thats reconstituted with IV saline, coagulation
microfibrillar collagen hemostat, coagulant
Intraoperative angiography
injection of contrast medium into a selected artery and its branches to determine exact location of structures, occlusion, or malformation
Transluminal angioplasty
insertion of an arterial catheter or stent into an artery to establish patency and normal bloodflow
Arteriovenous fistula (AV fistula)
direct anastomosis between an artery and vein
hemostatic agent, oxidized cellulose polymer
open procedure to remove a stationary clot in a blood vessel; restores circulation and prevents emboli
Carotid endarterectomy
removal of artherosclerotic plaque from the carotid artery
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
a section of the abdominal aorta becomes thin and bulges b/c arterosclerotic plaque and progressive weakening of the aortic wall
Endovascular abdominal aneurysm (EVAR)
the aortic aneurysm is approached through the femoral artery; multisectional graft introduced into the aorta through femoral artery under fluoroscopy
Aortofemoral bypass
performed to treat aortoiliac occlusive ds, graft implanted between aorta and femoral arteries to bypass iliac arteries and restore circulation
Femorofemoral bypass
involes implantation of a prosthetic graft that connects femoral artery on affected side to the opposite femoral artery; treat unilateral artherosclerotic ds in iliac artery
Axillofemoral bypass
creates circulation between femoral arteries and axillary artery; restores circulation to lower extremity or bypass an infected aortic graft or aneurysm
In situ saphenous femoropopliteal bypass
continuous incision made along entire saphenous vein, distal end is anastomosed to the popliteal artery, proximal vein is anastomosed to the large end of the femoral artery
Femoropopliteal bypass
synthetic graft or autograft is implanted between the femoral and popliteal arteries
Saphenous vein graft
greater saphenous vein is removed to provide an autograft for peripheral or coronary artery bypass
Management of varicose veins
involves removal of dilated and tortuous (varicose) veins and their tributaries to prevent symptoms and to improve cosmetic appearance
Above-the-knee amputation (AKA)
involves the surgical removal of the leg; performed when vascular insufficiency causes by arteriosclerotic or thromboembolic ds results in necrosis of the lower limb
Polypropylene (Prolene)
synthetic, monofilament, nonabsorbable
Polyhexafluoropropylene (Pronova)
nonabsorable, monofilamint
Polyester (Mersilene)
nonabsorable, braided
Tunnelled catheter
portion of the catheter is “embedded” or tunneled in SQ; used for long term IV tx, may have single or multiple lumens
Non-tunneled catheter
used for short or medium term in tx
type of catheter with access port or reservoir that is implanted under the skin