Week 6: FINAL EXAM Flashcards
_________ : refers to group connectedness and perception of a group
What groups has the most elements of cohesion?
Intimacy groups
____ groups are typically work colleagues, committees and work groups
Task groups
_____ categories: Women, Muslim, British,
loose __________: people who line on the same street, people who like rock music are examples
_______ categories are how we stereotype people
social categories
Group ______ - distinguish between different activities within the group
Group _______ - some roles within a group are more prestigious or have higher status,
Is proximity a determinant in our intention to join a group?
yes, we would join a group which is closer than further away
Why do people join groups?
- P_______
- to accomplish goals or t____
- to avoid l_________
- For ___________ support
- __________ reduction
proximity; tasks; loneliness; emotional; uncertainty
Social _________ : exclusion from group by common consent
Social __________ : tendency to perform better when others are present
Social _________: detriment in performance when others are present
______ theory of social facilitation: physical presence of others leads to arousal, motivates performance of dominant response
Drive theory
______ theory of social facilitation: presence of others facilities performance on skilled tasks, impairs performance on unskilled tasks
Drive theory
________ ______________ model: apprehension about evaluations leads to arousal which leads to increased drive & social facilitation
Evaluation Apprehension
_______ - _________ theory of facilitation: conflict occurs when person simultaneously pays attention to task & others
Distraction-conflict theory
Self-_______ theory of social facilitation: when people become self-aware they make comparisons between the actual and ideal self
Self-discrepancy theory
______ ________: a reduction in individual effort when working on a collective task compared
to working alone
Social Loafing
________ _______ - losses of productivity due to problems of coordinating individual members.
coordination loss
____________ ____ - losses due to decreases in individual members’ motivation
motivation loss
Why does social loafing occur?
- output e____
- E_________ A_________
- ___________ of responsibility
equity; Evaluation Apprehension; Diffusion of responsibility
_________ of __________: people feel less personally responsible in a group
Diffusion of Responsibility
C_________ E________ model: links between individual’s efforts & their outcomes are weaker when working with others in a group
Collective Effort Model
____________: A mode of thinking that individuals engage in when concurrence-seeking becomes so dominant in a cohesive in-group that it tends to override realistic appraisal of alternative courses of action.
excessive group cohesiveness can cause g________
____________: process via which leaders influence and motivate group members toward the achievement of group goals
______-_______ theory - best leaders are born with certain characteristics
‘____-_____’ - leadership depends on being in right place at right time
the times
Bales (1950)
• _____ specialist - leader focuses on
getting task done
• ________ specialist - focuses on maintaining friendly relations in the group, builds teamwork, mediates conflict.
task; socioemotional
___________ ________: leaders motivate followers to work for group goals, rather than self interest.
Transformational leadership
Transformational leadership
3 characteristics:
– C_________
– I____________ consideration – treat each group member with respect.
– ___________ stimulation – encourage group members to think in novel ways to solve problems.
Charismatic; Individualised consideration; Intellectual Stimulation
Is extraversion or introversion a correlate of leadership?
leaders have a chronic tendency to be either ____-oriented or _____-_______ oriented.
task- orientated; socio-emotional
Effectiveness of leadership style depends upon situational control which depends upon 3 factors
- Leader-member r_______
- T____ structure
- Position power/L________ authority
relations; task; Legitimate
______________ – process via which people lose their sense of socialised individual identity & engage in unsocialised, often antisocial, behaviours.
3 factors working together produce violent, antisocial crowd behaviour
– A__________
– Con______
– S___________
Anonymity; Contagion; Suggestibility
Role of ______ - deindividuation does not necessarily lead to anti-social behaviour
Crowd behaviour is ___________ behaviour
individuals do not lose ________ in crowds, but take on different identities (social identities).
Shift from personal to __________ self – behaviours adopted depend upon social norms of group identity.
A ______ is two or more people that interact and influence one another
Social ________ : the strengthening of dominant responses in the presence of others
Social arousal facilitates _________ responses, whether right or wrong
Evaluation _________: Concern for how others are evaluating us
Evaluation Apprehension
The enhancement of dominant responses in strongest when people think they are being __________
Why are we aroused in the presence of others?
1 E_________ A_________
2 Dis_______
3 Mere _______
Evaluation Apprehension; Distraction; Mere Presence
Social _________: the tendency for people to exert less effort when they pool their efforts towards a common goal than when they are individually accountable
Evaluation apprehension is _________ when in a group, which leads to social loafing
Is social loafing prevalent in just individualistic cultures?
No, in collectivist as well
People in groups social loaf (more/less) when the task is challenging, appealing, or involving
Groups loaf (more/less) when they are working with friends
_____________: Loss of self-awareness and evaluation apprehension; occurs in group situations that foster responsiveness to group norms, good or bad.
In the Social ________ model of __________ effects (SIDE), deindividuation should not be seen as a loss of self, but instead a shift from the personal self to the collective self, with positive or negative behaviours depending on the social rules and norms of the group
Social Identity model of Dindividuation Effects
Group experiences that diminish self-___________ tend to disconnect behaviour from attitudes
Self-___________ is the opposite of deindividuation
The ______- shift: Group decision are often riskier than individual decisions
Risky - Shift
Group ___________: discussion typically strengthens the average inclination of group members
Group Polarisation
Social comparison is involved in normative or informational influence
normative influence
___________ ignorance: A false impression of what most other people are thinking of feeling, or how they are responding
Pluralistic Ignorance
The tendency of decision-making group to suppress dissent in the interest of group harmony is known as ________
Groupthink occurs because of:
1 a co_______ group
2 relative iso________ of the group from dissenting viewpoints
3 a d_________ l_________ who signals what decision they favour
cohesive; isolations; directive leader
The eight symptoms of groupthink are a collective form of __________ reduction that surfaces as group members try to maintain their positive group feeling when facing a treat
_________ symptoms can produce a failure to seek and discuss contrary information and alternative possibilities
Group brainstorming is more productive when it (precedes/follows) solo brainstorming
__________-_______ effect: the tendency for people with minority views to express them less quickly than do people in the majority
minority - slowness effect
Any behaviour by the minority that conveys ____-_______, tends to raise self-doubts among the majority
____________ influence and ____________ influence fuel both group polarisation and minority influence
Informational; Normative
Colleagues, committees and work groups would fit into the ____ group category
What are the three human needs that groups facilitate?
Affiliation; Achievement; Social identity
pro_______ is one of the determinants of why people join groups
______ ________ : exclusion from group by common consent
Social Ostracism
__________ loss: losses of productivity due to problems of coordinating individual members
Coordination loss
__________ is a key component when defining a group
“A group is formed when people perceive themselves as ‘__’ in contrast to ‘____’; this is where a social identity is formed
Us; Them
__-______: co-participants working individually on a noncompetitive activity
If social arousal facilitates dominant responses, it should boost performance on ____ tasks and hurt performance on _____ tasks
easy; difficult
How did Robert Zajonc further our understanding of social facilitation?
Using arousal theory and the idea that social arousal should facilitate easy tasks and hinder our performance on hard tasks
Women, Muslims and the British are all ________ _________
social categories
A person that lives in the same street is an example of a _______ associations
loose associations
Zajonc’s _____ theory of facilitation: physical presence of others leads to arousal, motivates performance of dominant responses
Drive theory
What three reasons explain why we are so aroused when others are around?
Evaluation apprehension; Distraction; Mere presence
________-________ theory of social facilitation: we are distracted by a crowd that are watching us and that conflicts with our performance thus increasing arousal
Distraction - Conflict theory of social facilitation
___-________ theory: when people become self-aware they make comparisons between their actual and ideal self. Which then increases motivation to consolidate both together
Self-Discrepancy theory
_______ ______ model: links between individual’s efforts and their outcomes weaken when working with others in a group
Collective Effort Model
When all members get equal shares in the task reward, ______ ________ is more likely to occur
Social Loafing
The larger a group gets, the less personal ______ a single person has
Aggressive outbursts by large groups are often preceded by ___ actions that arouse and divert people’s attention
minor actions
Deindividuation is less likely when individual ___-________ is high
Is electronic brainstorming or brain writing better?
What requires more effort, brainstorming or brainwriting?
Brainwriting because it requires more effort to read others ideas
_____ __________: Group-produced enhancement of members pre-existing tendencies
Group polarisation
_____ ___________: discussion typically strengthens the average inclination of group members
Group Polarisation
___________ influence: influence that results from accepting evidence about reality
Informational influence
__________ influence: influence based on a person’s desire to be accepted or admired by others
normative influence
Ref______ in________ influence examines the interrelationship of normative and informational influence and how both are shaped by group identities
Referent Informational Influence
Pl________ Ig_________: a false impression of what most other people are thinking or feeling, or how they are responding
Pluralistic Ignorance
Brainstorming in _______ groups is less efficient than ______ groups
larger; smaller
Task leaders have a ________ style; Social Leaders have a _________ style
directive; democratic
__________ theory: leaders will either be task-orientated or socio-emotional - orientated
Contingency Theory
In ______ ________ theory of leadership, a leader is the in-group prototype
social identity theory