Week 6 - Anxiety Flashcards
What is anxiety?
A normal emotion and a powerful motivator
What is fear?
Response to imminent real or perceived threat.
What is an anxiety disorder?
A mental health disorder characterised by feelings of worry, anxiety or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one’s daily activities.
What are long term causes anxiety?
Childhood development - Parental anxiety, highly critical, unreachable standards, family conflict, cumulative stress and activation of neuronal circuitry
Biological - neurotransmitters (GABA)
What are short term causes of anxiety?
Significant personal loss Significant life change Stimulants and illicit drugs Phobic conditioning/Associative learning Trauma
What makes someone more prone to anxiety?
Avoidance Anxious self talk High stress life events Stimulants Lack of self care Lack of meaning or purpose Absence of coping mechanisms
What are the symptoms of anxiety?
Fight or flight response Increased heart rate Rapid breathing Tremor Sweating Nausea
How are acute symptoms of anxiety managed?
Education about why sensations occur
That they do not mean harm or injury
Strategies to reduce intensity in the moment
How are long term anxiety symptoms managed?
Coping strategies
Understanding the changing though patterns
What is separation anxiety disorder?
A disorder in which a child becomes excessively anxious when separated from parents.
When is the peak incidence of separation anxiety disorder?
6-8 years
How does separation anxiety disorder initially present?
With refusal to go to school
How can separation anxiety disorder be treated?
Family education and support
Age appropriate skills training
Graded exposure
What is selective mutism?
A severe anxiety disorder where a person is unable to speak in certain social situations, such as with classmates at school or to relatives they do not see very often.
How is selective mutism managed?
Anxiety management strategies
Facilitating child’s independence
Specialised assessment to ensure no underlying communication delays or disorders
What is panic disorder?
Panic disorder refers to the experience of recurrent and disabling panic attacks which last up to a few minutes and are accompanied by physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, shaking, shortness of breath, and dizziness.
What are the symptoms of panic disorder?
Palpitations Sweating SOB choking chest pain GIT upset dizziness pins and needles chills or flushing
When does panic disorder begin?
In teens or early twenties
Are men or women more likely to experience panic disorder?
Women are twice as likely than men.
What is agoraphobia?
Fear of places and situations that might cause panic, helplessness or embarrassment.
How is agoraphobia managed?
Breathing and mindfulness training
Graded exposure
What is generalised anxiety disorder?
Severe, ongoing anxiety that interferes with daily activities that can be accompanied by muscle tension, hyperarousal and fight or flight symptoms
How is GAD managed?
Education Progressive muscle relaxation Structured problem solving CBT Stress management Graded exposure Avoidance of unhealthy coping strategies
What is social anxiety disorder?
A chronic mental health condition in which social interactions cause irrational anxiety. For people with social anxiety disorder, everyday social interactions cause irrational anxiety, fear, self-consciousness and embarrassment.
What are the symptoms of social anxiety disorder?
Excessive fear of situations in which one may be judged
Worry about embarrassment or humiliation
Concern about offending someone.
Difficult events are avoided or endured with intense anxiety
How is social anxiety disorder managed?
Graded exposure
Social skills training
What is specific phobia?
Excessive fear of a specific object or situation
What is substance/medication induced anxiety disorder?
Anxiety symptoms are brought on by use of or withdrawal from alcohol or other drugs, taking medications or exposure to heavy metals or toxic substances.
What other conditions can cause anxiety disorder?
Cardiovascular diseases - hypertension etc
Pulmonary diseases - Asthma, COPD
Neurological diseases - Infection, TIA, dementia etc
Endocrine disorders - Diabetes, hyperthyroidism
Other conditions - Anaphylaxis
How is anxiety treated?
counselling, psychotherapy (CBT) and/or pharmacology
What psychological techniques can be used in anxiety disorders?
Breathing retraining Graded exposure Problem solving Thought stopping Cognitive restructuring Coping statements Worry-time/worry place Meditation Deep muscle relaxations Isometric relaxation
What is graded exposure therapy?
Identify goals and break down into smaller =, manageable steps
What is structured problem solving?
Structured Problem Solving is a learned skill that helps you to step back and evaluate your problems, big or small, in a clearer, more structured way.