what is sensation
the process by which the sense organs gather information about the enviroment
what is perception
the process by which sensory information is selected organised and interpreted
what is transduction
the transformation of energy into nerve impulses a form our body can sense - coded in terms of intensity and quality
what are psychophysics
the study of how we perceive sensory stimuli based on their physical charcateristics
absolute threshold
the lowest level of a stimulus that we can detect 50% of the time
just noticeable difference
smallest change in a stimulus intensity that we can detect-
what doesjust noticeable difference depend on
intensity of new stimulation and level of stimulation already present
what is webers law
regardless of the magnitude of two stimulus. the second must differ from the first by a constant proportion for it to be perceived as different
what is the average weber fraction for weight
what is signal detection theory
sensation occurs when we judge whether a stimulus is present or not
what two processes contribute to signal detection theory
- initial sensory processes- sensitivity to the stimulus (signal to noise ratio)
- decision process- the individuals readiness to report detecting a stimulus when uncertin
what is attention
mental phenomena of concentration and its shifts in focus influenced by internal and external events and limited capacity
what is selective attention
allows us to select some inputs for further processing and ignore others- RAS and basal ganglia
broad bents theory of attention
bottleneck, early filtering mechanism, limited capacity channel (some you choose) where you resond or remember
cocktail party effect
suggests some information gets through the filter - even when we selectively attend to a conversation some information gets through- we are subconsciously monitoring conversations around us
errors of attention
change and inattentional blindess
what is divided attention
performing multiple tasks simultaneously, attention has a limited capacity, we think we can attend to many things but cant- ability is just speed at quick we can switch attention
what is the visable spectrum of light
characteristics of vision
image is inverted on the retina, which turns it into an AP,
direction and focusing, clear part of eye, curved dome which bends light
white part of your eye, refocuses light
muscle area attached to lens