what is conciousness
our subjective experience of the world, our bodies and our mental perspectives
what are the functions of conciousness
to monitor self and environment, perception, thoughts, emotions, goals, problem solving plans, and to control, to regulate thought and behaviour- innate or terminate behaviour to attain goals
What controls our level of arousal, therefore conciousness
the reticular activating system incldues midline nuclei in upper brain stem, it alternates sleep, waking, and controls general level of brain and behavioural arousal
how much of our lives do we sleep
what are circadian rythym
biological clocks that evolved around the daily cycles of light and dark- control body temp, and hormones
wakefullness is characterised by…
irregular pattern of EEG, with beta waves 13-22Hz (higher mental activity) and alpha waves 8-12Hz (calm wakefullness)
Stage 1 of sleep…
brief 5-10 mins with slower theta waves 4-7 per second, hypnagogic imagery and hypnic myoclonia occur
what is hypnic myclonia
sense of felling/uncontrolled muscle contractions- the disconnecting of RAS from muscle system
Stage 2 of sleep
10-30 mins, slightly slower waves, interupted by bursts of sleep spindles and K complexes
what are sleep spindles
bursts of low amplitude activity (similar to wakefulness)
Stage 3 and 4 of sleep
together they are delta or deep sleep 20-30mins
stage 3=
stage 4=
REM sleep..
10-20mins, resembles the faster waking brain pattern, rapid eye movement back and forth, automatic activity increases, muscles are turned off
what is the sleep wake cycle
occurs 4-5 times a night, switching in and out of different stages of sleep, REM/ non REM cycles last 90 mins
Non-REM dreams are..
shorter, more thought like, repetitive, concerned with daily tasks
REM dreams are..
more often, emotional, illogical, prone to plot shifts
what are the frequent dream themes
falling, flying, being chased, sexual, being lost, late, or trapped, injury, illness, or being naked and more
Dream content…
often simulaton of everyday life, negative themes are more common, some cultural differences in content.
what is Lucid Dreaming
awareness of dreaming, often when something bizarre or unlikely happens, features of waking and REM
Psychodynamic theory of dreaming suggests..
dreams are repressed wishes or unconcious desires, interpretation based on working out the latent from the manifest content
Arguments against psychodynamic theory of dreaming
why dont we have more positive or sexual dreams, why are dreams mundane and why do we have nightmares
Activation/Synthesis theory of dreaming…
forebrain tries to interpret signals recieved from other brain areas during REM- acetyl choline activates Pons, signals are sent to thalamus and then language/visual areas of the forebrain amygdala activation adds emotional content- they are all disconnected so they work and the forebrain is trying to understand all different parts of the brain- we are trying to add meaning to it
Forebrain hypothesis of dreaming
damage to forebrain can stop dreaming, suggesting interaction between forebrain areas is important
neurogonitive perspective of dreaming
dreaming is key to- proccessing or solving problems, intergration of previosuly learned and new information and memory consolidation (including emotional)\
complexity of dreaming mirrors cognitive development
neurogonitive perspective of dreaming
dreaming is key to- proccessing or solving problems, intergration of previosuly learned and new information and memory consolidation (including emotional)
complexity of dreaming mirrors cognitive development
what is insomnia
inability to sleep, waking during the ngiht, waking too early
Short term Causes of insomnia
stress, medication, illness, shiftwork, jet leg, napping
what increases likelyhood of insomnia
depression, pain, medical conditions, and older age
Interventions to improve sleep hygine
go to bed/wake up at the same time, sleep in a cool room, avoid stimulating, stressful activites and electronics befpre bed, avoid napping and caffine after 2, dont watch the clock, regular exercise, go to bed when tired