Week 4 - A(3) - Microbiology of UTI tutorial in labs Flashcards

a) - It is a gut commensal - most numerous aerobe in the gut flora b) - There is loin pain and the patient has shivers (rigors) c) - Sensitivity of the antibiotic, lower or upper UTI, is the antibiotic secreted in the urine

e) - Nitrofurantoin only has effects as far as the bladder and activates here d) - IV amoxicillin + gentamicin e) patients weight and creatinine
Instead of giving amoxicillin and gentamicin IV, what would be given if the patient was penicillin hypersensitive?

Would give IV co-trimoxazole + gentamicin
g- Give two reasons why erythromycin is NOT a suitable antibiotic for the treatment of UTI in a penicillin-hypersensitive patient.
Erythromycin is not active against coliforms - active against the atypical gram negative organsisms
3a and c urine is cloudy 3b is clear

3a) - Yes send - symptomatic and urine is cloudy 3b - do not send - asymptomatic and urine is clear 3c) - yes, it is symptomatic and urine is cloudy

a) - patients symptoms are suggestive of UTI b) could be to antibiotics or abacterial cystitis

c) - Patient has abacterial cystitis d) - plenty of fluid and pain medication e) - Consider STI

a) The sample is two days old and therefore any bacteria would have colonised it b) Should get rid of the specimen c) Use a boricon container (red cap) as it lasts 24 hours and make sure gets to the lab in time

a) NO b) Yes c) No d) No e) - resitance - can lead to catheter colonisation, C.difficile could arise,

f - Patinet has non severe CDiff g - prescribe oral metronidazole h - All of the abovea (The patient should be in a single room, Gloves and plastic aprons should be worn when emptying faeces containers, the patient should have his own commode) i - No do not test for cure
Patinet had >10^5 organisms/ml even though she is asymptomatic

a) - asymptomatic bacteruria b) - yes c) - choose nitrofurantoin if 1st or 2nd trimester, choose trimethoprim if 3rd semester d) - could develop pyelonephritis (common in 30% of women) and can cause intrauterine growth retardation in child
Case 7 You are working as a GP trainee in a busy surgery. The Practice Nurse, who is seeing a 76 year old lady for review of her Type 2 diabetes, asks you to complete a request to send the patient’s urine to the Microbiology lab. The nurse has “dipstick” tested the urine and it is positive for nitrites (only). It is negative for protein, glucose, blood, ketones and leukocyte esterase (a) What other critical information do you need to know about the patient?
Does she have any symptoms
The patient tells you she has NO dysuria, frequency, urgency or nocturia. She does not feel unwell. Should you send her urine to lab?
NO - she is not symptomatic
The nurse says that she would normally send the urine for culture in this situation and the urine is sent to the Microbiology lab. The urine culture result comes back 2 days later (see report) (c) Are you going to prescribe antibiotics for this patient, and if so, what would you prescribe?
Do not prescribe antibiotics
A negative dip stick test for leukocyte esterase (white cells) is a useful test to rule out UTI when combined with a negative nitrite test (negative predictive value of 95%). If both blood and protein are present in the urine, what should you consider checking?
CRP, ANCA, ANA and plasma electrophoresiss for myeloma