Week 1 - A - Anatomy of the Upper Renal Tract Flashcards
The urinary tract has an upper and lower region What makes up the upper urinary tract?
The right and left kidneys The right and left ureters
What does the lower urinary tract involve? (are there paired structures)
Lower urinary tract involves the bladder and urethra Both are unpaired midline structures
Is the kidney an intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal organ? What do both of these mean?
Kidney is a retroperitoneal organ Intraperitoneal organ - almost completely covered by visceral peritoneum Retroperitoneal organ - only anterior aspect is covered by visceral peritoneum
Name other retroperitoneal organs?
SAD PUCKER - Suprarenal (adrenal) glands Aorta/IVC Dudodenal - second and third segments Pancreas Ureters Colon (ascending and desceding) Kidneys Eosophagus Rectum
Which part of the colon lies intraperitoneal?
The sigmoid and transverse colon
Name some intraperitoneal organs?
Stomach Spleen Ileum Jejunum Duodenum - first third Sigmoid and transverse colon Tail of the pancreas
What connects the liver to the anterior abdominal wall? What comes off this? remnant of the umbilical vein
The falciform ligament Ligamentum teres projects from falciform ligament The coronary ligament attaches the liver to the diaphragm

The aorta and inferior vena cava are also retroperitoneal Is the abdominal aorta or the inferior vena cava on closer to the right hand kidney?
Aorta is located on the left hand side of the inferior vena cava IVC is therefore closer to the right hand kidney

Like the lungs, the kidney has a hilum What are the major (vessel) contents of the renal hilum? Where do these structures lie in relevance to one another?
The renal vein anteriorly The renal artery posteriorly The ureter inferiorly

At what level of the abdominal aorta do the renal arteries arise? What else arises at this level?
Usually arisee at L1 The superior mesenteric artery also arises at this level

Laterally to the kidneys we have the structures relating to the anterolateral abdominal walls, what are the muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall? What aspect of the kidney do they protect? (anterior, inferior, posterior, superior)
External oblique Internal oblique Transversus abdominus Protect the lateral aspect of the kidneys
What are the two posterior abdominal wall muscles protecting the posterior aspect of the kidneys? What other muscles help posteriorly protect the kidneys?
The psoas major and the quadratus lumborum The back muscles also help pretect

What is kidney enclosed in to prevent expansion?
Enclosed by the renal capsule
The anterior aspect of the kidneys has a few layers covering it What are the layers protecting the anterior aspect of the kidney? (from superficial to deep) (remmeber the two fat layers)
Have the Visceral peritoneum Paranephric fat Renal (deep) fascia Perinephric fat Renal capsule
Does the paranephric or perinephric fat surround the kidney?
The perinephric fat surrounds it The paranephric is located between the visceral peritoneum and the renal (deep) fascia

It is important to know what the features on an axial CT slice of the kidney are Name what each of the arrows are pointing to


The anterlateral abdominal wall muscles are external oblique, internal oblique and then transversus abdominus The posterior abdominal wall muscles protecting the kidney are the quadratus lumborum and the psoas major Firstly, which muscles are insicised during a nephrectomy? Which compartment of the lower limb does the psoas major lie in? and function of this compartment?
All three anterolateral wall muscles Pasos major is part of the iliopsoas in the anterior abdominal wall and they act as flexors of the thigh
Which kidney sits at a lower vertebral level? Why is this?
The right kidney sits lower This is due to the presence of the liver
Which vertebral level do both kidneys sit at? Which ribs protect the kidneys? (rib fracture could cause laceration of the kidney) Do the ribs protect the anterior or posterior kidney?
Right kidney - sits at vertebral level L1-L3 Left kidney - sits at vertebral level - T12-L2 Both kidneys are protected by ribs 11&12 - the floating ribs They protect the posterior aspect of the kidneys

The kidneys are protected by the psoas major and the quadratus lumborum from the posterior abdominal wall muslces Where does the kindey lie in relation to these muscles?
The kidneys lie anterior to the quadratus lumborum and lateral to the psoas major

Which region of the abdomen do the kidneys lie in?
The light in the right and left flanks (lumbar region)
What can done to palpate the kidneys if they are enlarged?
Ballot the kidneys When patient is lying supine, place one hand on anterior and posterior of the lumbar region and ballot
Do the kidneys move inferiorly or superiorly with inspiration and why? This makes balloting easier when the kidney is enlarged
Inspiration - causes the diaphragm to descend pushing the liver and spleen lower which in turn causes the descent of the kidneys - therefore not contained by the ribs
What separates the liver from the right kdiney and is important for being the most inferior space when a patient is supine? Give both names for this space
This is the hepatorenal recess - can fill with fluid during ascites Also known as the Pouch of Morrisons
Which parts of the colon lie anterior to the right kidney? Still a retroperitoneal organ however
The ascending colon and the the hepatic flexure of the colon are anterior to the kidney 2nd part of duodenum also sits anteriorly to kidney And liver

What is the recess which is the most inferior when a patient lies supine and sits anterior to the kidney also when standing?
The hepatorenal recess (pouch of Morrison’s)

Which structures lie anterior to the left kidney?
The stomach The hilum of the spleen The tail of the pancrease The splenic flexure

What does the coeliac trunk trifurcate into? What mdiline abdominal aorta branch lies very close to the renal artery branches?
Coeliac trunk - common hepatic artery, left gastric artery and splenic artery Superior mesenteric(L1) artery is very close to where the renal arteries arise (also L1)

Do the renal veins (from the IVC) or the renal artery (from the abdominal aorta) lie anteriorly to one another?
The renal veins are anterior to the renal arteries
What do the Inferior vena cava (IVC) and the Abdominal Aorta bifurcate into? WHich of the bifurcations lie anterior? At what level is this bifurcation?
The abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava bifurcate into the right and left common iliac artery and vein The bifurcation occurs at the level of the umbilicus

What are the nodes surrounding the aorta and the IVC which lymph drains into?
They are known as the lumbar nodes
The ureter has blood supply from different arteries as it extends from the abdomen (proximal part) to the pelvis (distal part) Where do the branches supply the ureter arise? (name in order)
Branhces from Renal artery Abdominal aorta Common iliac artery Internal iliac artery The vesicle (bladder) artery

The lymph from the ureter drains into the iliac and lumbar nodes depending on which segment of the ureter When discussing abdominal aortic aneursyms, they can be described in relationship to the renal arteries What can be the two ways to desribe them?
Suprarenal AAA or Infrarenal AAA
Aneursyms are due to weak blood vessel walls and prevent the flow of blood AAA can cause renal artery stensosis What is the difference in the stenosis caused by a suprarenal and infrarenal?
Suprarenal causes occlusion of the proximal renal artery due to the aneurysm Renal artery stenosis combined with an infrarenal AAA is usually due to astherosclerosis affecting both
What is the treatment of an unruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm?
If unruptured - Offer open surgical repair DO NOT OFFER EVAR for unruptured AAA even if open surgical repair unsuitable
There is anatomical variation in the renal system What can cause a solitary kidney?
Renal agenesis - where one kidney simply does not develop Organ donation of a kidney Nephrectomy due to pathology
What are the two regions of the kidney?
Have the outer renal cortex and the inner renal medulla
What is located in the renal medulla containing nephrons?
The renal pyramids
The renal cortex has columns projecting in between the renal medullas What are these renal columns of the cortex also knwon as?
The column of bertin - where the renal blood supply and venous drainage is

What structure receives all the blood from the renal artery? for ultrafiltration of the blood
Enters the glomerulus for ultrafilitration of the blood
The glomerulus is contained in the bowmans capsule, what is the structure contianing the bowman’s capsule and glomerulus knwon as?
This is known as the renal corpuscle
Describe the regions of the nephron from Bowman’s capsule to collecitng duct?
Bowman’s capsule - proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule and finally collecting duct
Which of the nephron structures are located in the renal cortex and which in the renal medulla?
Renal cortex Renal corpuscle (capsule and glomerulus), proximal and distal convoluted tubules Renal medulla Loop of Henle and collecting duct

How does the collecting duct take fluid to the ureter? What structrue does the fluid from the collectin duct exit?
Collecting duct fluid exits the renal medulla via the renal papilla and passes into the minor calyx Two or more minor calyx form to join a major calyx which form to join the renal pelvis which drains into the ureter
Where does the inital constrcition of the ureter take place?
Takes place at the pelviureteric junction

What are the three anatomical sites of ureteric constriction ?
The pelviureteric junction The ureter crossing over the common iliac artery - has a wee change in direction The uretic orifice
What are the stones that can get stuck at uretic constriction sites known as?
These are the renal caliculi (kidney stones)
Why are the renal caliculi usually visible on xray?
Because of their high calcium content Risk factors include high calcium in blood and dehydration
The pain in renal caliculi obstructing the ureter comes in waves, why is this? What can cause external compression of the ureter?
increased peristalsis proximal to the site of the obstruction in an attempt to remove it (flush it into the bladder) as peristalsis comes in waves, a patient with a ureteric obstruction tends to experience pain that “comes and goes” (“colicky”) Masses such as tumours
obstructions cause urine to “back up” in the tract towards the kidneys obstructions within the calyces or ureter cause unilateral back pressure of urine Do obstructions within the bladder cause unilateral or biltaeral back pressure of urine?
obstructions within the bladder may cause unilateral or bilateral kidney problems obstructions to the urethra cause bilateral kidney problems
urine production will continue until the pressure within the urinary tract exceeds the pressures favouring filtration at the glomerulus What does this cause to the kidney?
This causes renal failure which means the kidneys are failing to adequately filter the blood to produce urine
urine back pressure into the calyces compresses the nephrons within the medullary pyramids leading to renal failure What condition can this cause which causes painful stretching of the kidney capsule due to build up of urine inside the kidneys?
This can cause hydrnephrosis (water inside the kidney)