Week 1 - G - Histology of the Renal system Flashcards
What is the capsule of which the kidney is encased in composed of?
Organ is covered by a thin but strong capsule of dense collagen fibres.
What three structures are located at the hilum of the kidney? Where do the structures travel to/from?
The renal vein anteriorly which drains to the inferior vena cava The renal artery posteriorly which supplies blood to the kidney from the abominal aorta around the L1 level The ureter inferiorly which carries urine to the bladder
How many pyramids exists per kidney? The pyramids make up the medulla
8-18 pyramids per medulla
What is the structure that projects from the collecting duct to the minor calyces?
The renal papillae

The renal nephron is composed of the renal corpuscle and the tubules What makes up the renal corpuscle?
The Bowman’s capsule and the glomerulus located within

What is the basic functional unit of the kidney?
The nephron
What type of epithelium is the bowman’s capsule derived from?
Derived from stratified squamous epithelium
Separating the blood from the bowmans capsule is the endothelium of the capillaries, thick basal lamina and specialized cells of the inner layer of the bowman’s capsule What is the basal lamina called? What are the specialized cells?
The basal lamina is also known as the basement membrane The specialised cells are known as podocytes
What is between the foot processes of the podocytes to increase the filtration?
Filtration slits

What does BM stand for? What does F stand for? What does E stand for? What does FS stand for? What does P stand for?

BM - the basement membrane F - fenestrate (window) of the epithelium E - Endothelium FS - filtration slits at the foot processes of the podocytes P - Podocytes
Thin walled blood vessels dip down into the medulla from above and then climb back up to the cortex. These loops of blood vessels are collectively called?
These are the vasa recta
What epithelium lines the distal convoluted tubule of the nephron?
Simple cuboidal epithelium
What does the distal convoluted tubule lack that the proximal convoluted tubule contains greatly increasing its surface area?
The brush border of extensive microvilli
What is the end of the collecting duct known as which opens into the renal papillae?
The ducts of Bellini
Specialized region formed at the site where the distal convoluted tubule passes adjacent to the afferent arteriole What is this?
The juxtaglomerular apparatus
What are the three cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus?
- The macula densa 2. The juxtaglomerular cells 3. The extraglomerular mesangial cells (lacis cells)

Which are the cells of the apparatus which secrete renin?
The juxtaglomerular cells (granular cells)
On the side of the distal convoluted tubule nearest the afferent arteriole the cells of the DCT are taller, crowded together and the nuclei are intensely stained. Believed to function in sensing Na+ composition in the DCT. Which cells are these?
The macula densa
What do the letters stand for?

Can see the distal convoluted tubule lumen The macula densa The lacis cells (extraglomerular mesangial cells) Can see the juxtaglomerular cells The afferent arteriole
Once the urine is produced at the renal papilla, how does it reach the bladder?
Flows into minor calyx which join to form major calyx which join to form renal pelvis which empties into the ureter which drains to the bladder
What epithelium lines the conducting parts of the urinary system?
Transitional epithelium (aka urothelium)
What is the most common type of bladder cancer?
Urothelial carcinoma (transitional cell carcinoma)