WEEK 11 Flashcards
The endocrine system is composed of the endocrine glands, these are ductless glands which release their secretion directly into the blood. Their secretion is called
The endocrine system is controlled by the
also called hypophysis
master gland
pituitary gland
Hypothalamus has endocrine function. It releases hormones that will influence the release of the anterior pituitary gland hormones. This hormone is also called
The hypothalamus also produces two hormones that are stored in the
posterior lobe of the pituitary gland ( also called neurohypophysis)
The hypothalamus also produces two hormones
Anti – Diuretic Hormone (ADH) or vasopressin
ADH effect is to cause
water retention and vasoconstriction, hence the name vasopressin.
oxytocin function is to cause
uterine contraction and milk ejection and it is released during labor, delivery and lactation.
(also called adenohypophysis)
anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
stimulates normal body growth
Growth hormone
stimulates melanocytes to produce melanin, a pigment in the skin
Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone
stimulate production of milk from the
mammary glands
produces melatonin that induces sleep
Pineal gland
Thyroid gland – produces
Thyroid hormones (T3 & T4)
controls the rate by which glucose is used by the cell as a source of energy
Thyroid hormones (T3 & T4)
regulating serum calcium
level by decreasing its amount in the plasma
this is the most active gland under stress because one of its hormone has anti stress function.
Adrenal gland
produces catecholamines, epinephrine and norepinephrine acting as neurotransmitters of the SNS
Adrenal medulla
Adrenal cortex – produces three hormones
Aldosterone which increases sodium reabsorption by the kidneys and in effect increases water reabsorption as well, it will also increase potassium excretion
Cortisol this has antistress property. It has a diurnal pattern of release having its peak secretion at 9 am then goes down by late afternoon and at night. Cortisol helps a person to overcome stress in the morning. Cortisol has a lot of metabolic functions. It increases glucose in the blood. It increased production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.It causes mobilization of fats. It also causes water retention. Cortisol has anti – inflammatory function as it suppresses WBS function.
the endocrine function of this organ lies in their Islets of Langerhans cells
produces glucagon that regulates glucose in the blood by increasing its amount
Alpha cells
produces insulin that helps the glucose to enter the liver cells and the muscle cells thereby decreasing the amount of glucose in the blood.
Beta cells
produces somatostatin, which may also be produced by other endocrine tissues. Somatostatin inhibits other hormones like insulin, growth hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone and other minor hormone like cholecystokinin.
Delta cells
This is a disorder characterized by hyposecretion of the pituitary gland. This may be due to congenital defects of pituitary, circulatory disturbances like hemorrhage and infarction, inflammation or tumor in the pituitary gland. This is often seen as growth hormone (GH) deficiency before other clinical manifestations are seen.
Pituitary Dwarfism med
Somatropin and somatrem
is indicated only for the treatment of children with growth failure due to lack of endogenous GH.
is indicated for the treatment of growth failure due to lack of GH or to chronic renal failure, for treatment of short stature associated with Turner’s syndrome.
Growth hormone hypersecretion may occur in children before the closure of the epiphyseal plate,
growth hormone production increases after closure of epiphyseal plates in adults, then the disorder is called
most commonly associated with tumor secreting adrenal cortex hormones.
Under secretion is causing a disorder called
Addison’s disease or Adrenal Insufficiency.
Addison’s disease or Adrenal Insufficiency.
An autoimmune disease characterized by overproduction of hormone, enlarged thyroid gland and protrusion of the eyes.
Grave’s disease
Anti – thyroid drugs
Iodine solutions
an autoimmune disorder causing under secretion of thyroid hormones leading to its decrease function causing hypothermia, bradycardia, hypotension, myxedema or accumulation of polysaccharides in the interstitial space affecting skin.
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis,
Thyroid Hormone replacement
a synthetic salt of T4 is the most frequently used replacement hormone because of its predictable bioavailability and reliability.
is a synthetic salt of T3, rapid onset and long duration of action.
Excessive secretion of PTH leads to increased calcium in the blood. To decrease levels of calcium,
is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia most commonly due to insulin dysfunction
Diabetes mellitus
lack of insulin production
Type 1 DM
insulin is produced by the beta cells but the insulin produce may be ineffective or there is a slow release of insulin from the beta cells or the liver cells and the muscles cells are insensitive to the presence of insulin
Type 2 DM
happens during pregnancy and believed to be caused by a hormone called Human Placental Lactogen (HPL) which may decrease sensitivity of cells to insulin
Gestational DM
diseases causing destruction of beta cells like chronic pancreatitis may also lead to symptoms of DM. Too much production of cortisol can increase blood sugar level and show symptoms of DM as well.
DM associated by other conditions
is given subcutaneously. It is the primary treatment for clients with type 1 DM. It does not cross the placenta so it is safe to use by pregnant women making it also the drug of choice for clients with gestational DM. I
Very short
Aspart, Lispro
Long Acting
Very long acting
Glargine, Lantus
First generation Sulfonylureas
Tolbutamide, Chlorpropamide
Second generation Sulfonylurea
Glipizide, Glyburide, Glimeperide
Non Sulfonylureas Biguanides
Alpha glucosidase inhibitors
Metformin Acarbose
DDP-4 inhibitors
Sitagliptin, Linagliptin
are used to patients with type 2 DM only. These drug can cause harmful effects to pregnant and nursing infants.
Oral hypoglycemic agents (OHA)