Week 1 -Introduction Flashcards
What do we need in order to live a healthy life?
- Fresh air
- Safe food
- Safe water
- Safe occupation
- Clean environment
✓ No pests
✓ No wastes
How do human health issues occur?
If we are exposed to unsafe factors, such as polluted:
✓ air
✓ Food
✓ water
✓ soil
✓ chemical hazards
✓ dangerous radiations
✓ climate change
What body systems transport our basic human needs from the outside in?
Specialized body systems to import those basic
(gaseous, liquid, & solid) human needs from the
environment to satisfy their inner body needs
1. Lung is assigned to work on air
2. GIT is assigned to work on:
✓ Liquid (water)
✓ food nutrients
3. Skin is assigned to be a barrier against entry of:
✓ Pests
✓ Wastes
These specialized body systems communicate with the external environment (gaseous, liquid, & solid)
How do disease causing agents enter our body?
How is public health defined?
How is public health different from clinical health?
What is the textbook definition of public health?
PH is the sum of all knowledge to serve, promote,
protect, prevent, & ensure the health of human population
What are the three core missions/functions of public health?
If a solution works, scale up!
List and define the the three core functions and ten essential services of public health.
A. Assessment or surveillance (i.e. collect data/samples): identify the problem
1. Nonstop patrolling/monitoring to identify any unusual societal health problems
2. Investigate the risk factors, prioritize (3P), and diagnose (= causality) the health problems of the population
B. Develop solution/policy to the problem through all stakeholders participation
3. Inform and educate people about the problem
4. Mobilize communities partnerships to create solutions for the health problem
5. Develop and implement solutions, policies, plans, and laws that solve the health problem
C. Assurance: collective action to control and eliminate the problem sustainably
6. Enforce the developed legal/regulatory actions to be respected by everybody
7. Assure access for everybody to the individual services and care
8. Assure a diverse and skilled public health workforce
9. Evaluation if the implemented solution/service has solved the health problem
10. Build and maintain a strong organizational infrastructure for public health
3P = place, period, and, population
Describe the public health service program #1
Surveillance, patrolling, investigating to see if there is any evidence of sickness or death. Can be airborne, waterborne, foodborne, or vectorborne. We need to register how many people are sick from either respiratory disease, diarrhea, etc. with age, sex, location etc.
We have to collect samples from animals, air they breathe, waste fecal material, water and food, pests in region.
Samples may be related to food, wter, air, and or vector borne pathogen.
Describe the public health service program #2.
✓ prioritize/rank health problems using morbidity & mortality data analysis
Remember the case of COVID-19 as an example concerning the 3 core functions & 10 service
Each year, 56 million people die.
73% die because of…
19% die…
8% die…
Rank based on # of death
Rank based off of air borne, water, vector borne.
E.g. airborne infection kills 1.5 million people.
Basic human needs (clean air, safe food & water,
and clean environment) have not been achieved. Because people are dying
from preventable diseases. Of 56 million annual deaths, about
12.6 million deaths each year (i. e.
1 of 4 people) are attributable to
unhealthy environments
Public health service program #2 also investigates/diagnoses the causality. Explain how.
5 categories that kill people
1. = biological
2. = physical
3. chemical
4. allergen
5. radioactive
More than 800 different pathogens affect people (zoonotic) either through direct contact, airborne, food.
Some just affect adults, women, children, one region, entire world, etc.
Do not have to memorize this slide. Takehome message: even a single pathogen can have different characteritics, properties, or pathways that come to us and cause disease.
Y. pestis = airborne , contagious, bioterrorism agent, zoonotic, reportable, vector borne
If pathogen is not infectious disease, it can be chemical. These chemicals may be pesticides, detergents, toxins, or fungal toxins, etc. Come to people from animals if there is residues in animals, we eat animal –> comes to us in foods.
Allergens can also cause disease.
9 allergens that we know of on earth from food.
Physical hazard: war, flood, earthquake, storms, fires, car accident, etc.
Describe the public health service program #3.
Develop solutions. Create, champion, and implement technologies, policies, plans, and laws that improve public health
How do you control biological hazards?
Describe the pharmaceutical approach to controlling biological hazards.
Describe the non-pharmaceutical approach to controlling biological hazards.
Food workers when sick should not go to work and be around food sent out for human consumption.
wash food of any viruses or bacteria
cooking to kill pathogen
chill in fridge or freezer to arrest growth
use safe food
never put raw and cooked food together
Describe the solutions used to control chemical hazards.
Why do we test the concentration of chemical hazards in food that is to be distributed to general public?
Describe the solutions used to control physical hazards.
branches are metals
membrane filtration tech is the most up to date
Describe the function of public health service program #4.
Communicate, inform, and educate people about
health, factors that influence it, and how to improve it
List several examples of communication activities.
Example of communication activities: Public health education through the social media, media,
presentations, workshops, Internet, displays, etc.
► education on rabies reduction e. g. celebrate World Rabies Day September 28 each year
► education on food hygiene
► education on personal hygiene
► education on manure waste management
► education on clean water or clean air
► teaching the public to manipulate risk factors
Remember the case of COVID-19 as an example concerning the 3 core functions & 10 services
Describe public health service program #5.
Strengthen, support, & mobilize communities &
partnerships to improve public health
List the examples of PH service program 5.
mobilize all stakeholders to reduce public health problems such as airborne, foodborne,
waterborne, vector-borne disease, etc.
✓ life scientists (human, vets, wildlife, marinelife,)
✓ social scientists (psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists)
✓ researchers and ecologists,
✓ laboratories
✓ industries,
✓ policy-makers,
✓ media,
✓ donors,
✓ etc.
Describe the public health service program #6.
Enforce the laws, policies, regulatory actions to be
respected by everybody
What is an example of public health service program #6.
Define PH service program #7.
PH service Program 7.
Assure access for everybody to the individual services and care
What is an example of Ph service program #7.
✓ Assure access to rabies vaccination for veterinarians
✓ Assure everybody working in the industry has access to
health check up
✓ Assure everybody working in the industry has access to
personal protective equipment (PPE)
Describe PH service program #8.
Assure a diverse and skilled public health workforce
What is an example of PH service program #8.
- Example of activities on skilled workers assurance is licensing with certificate or degree following
providing training or courses:
✓ Assure food-service workers have the required skills (degree/certificate/course/training)
✓ Assure workers are adequately trained about the machine they handle and operate
✓ Assure sanitary workers are trained about chemical hazards and waste disposal (certificate)
✓ Licensing and monitoring the quality of healthcare services e.g.,
✓ Laboratory technicians, nurses
Describe PH service program #9.
Evaluation if the implemented solution/service is effective
(i. e. if the programs have solved the health problem)
What is an example of PH service program #9.
Example of activities on evaluation:
✓ Performance evaluation concerning the strength and weakness
✓ Tracking responses to complaints
✓ Public need assessment
Describe PH service program #10.
Build and maintain a strong organizational infrastructure for public health
What is an example of PH service program #10.
- Example of activities on building infrastructure and implementation capacity:
✓ Infrastructures, equipment, facilities,
✓ Skilled human resources
✓ Establish diagnostic laboratories
✓ Establish vaccine manufacturing plants
✓ Establish technical training centers
What are the PH core functions?
- Health Problem assessment
- Develop solutions to solve the prioritized PH problem
- Assure the policies to benefit all humankind
The aim of the PH function 3 is assurance:
✓ To act collectively to protect everybody
✓ To control and eliminate the problem sustainably
Remember the case of COVID-19 as an example concerning the 3 core functions & 10 services