Global Warming Flashcards
Disaster is a _______ calamitous event that brings great damage, loss, or destruction, often occurring ________.
Can be of natural origin: 3?
Or of man-made: ?
Disaster is a sudden calamitous event that brings great damage, loss, or destruction, often occurring unexpectedly
Can be of natural origin: meteorological, geological, environment
Or of man made: technological, industrial, warfare
Earthquake = _____/____ of earth = due to collusion between two surface (_______) _____ of the earth.
Earthquake = tremor/shaking of earth = due to collusion between two surface (tectonic) plates of the earth
when they collide –> earth shakes
buildings shatter, everything is destroyed
Volcano = earth vomits _______ rock, _____, and _______, which all together called lava when on the earth’s _______ but called ________ when it is under the earth
✓ 75% of volcanic eruption happens in the ______ _____ of fire on earth
✓ Volcanic eruption is powerful and can cause _________
Volcano = earth vomits molten rock, ashes, and gases, which all together called lava when on the earth’s surface but called magma when it is under the earth
✓ 75% of volcanic eruption happens in the pacific ring of fire on earth
✓ Volcanic eruption is powerful and can cause earthquake
pacific ring –> pacific ocean is between asia and america
Tsunami = gigantic _____ carrying water that destroy everything on its way
✓ Such aggressive water waves happen due to ________ or _______ eruption at the ________ of a sea
Tsunami = gigantic wave carrying water that destroy everything on its way
✓ Such aggressive water waves happen due to earthquake or volcanic eruption at the bottom of a sea
Tornado = a ________-shaped moving air/wind that rotates at ____ speed
Tornado = a funnel-shaped moving air/wind that rotates at high speed
Hurricane = a violent storm (______) formed at ____/_____ and then travels to _____ for attack at speed of ___ miles/h
Hurricane = a violent storm (wind) formed at sea/ocean and then travels to land for attack at speed of 150 miles/h
Wildfire = a frenzy areawide burning of ______ or ___________.
✓ It occurs during _____ season by man or natural fire by _______ strike, strikes/ collusion of ______, or ________ between dry grasses
Wildfire = a frenzy areawide burning of forests or grasslands.
✓ It occurs during dry season by man or natural fire by lightening strike, strikes/ collusion of stones, or friction between dry grasses
Flooding = __________ of water in specific location. It occurs from ______ rainfall, _____ overflow, or _______
Flooding = accumulation of water in specific location. It occurs from excessive rainfall, river overflow, or ocean
weather vs climate.
weather = go outside sunny, cloudy, etc.
climate = average temperature, rain fall, etc. shifts over time
What is climate change?
* Climate change refers to ______-term shifts in average:
✓ __________, ______, and weather _______ in a region or earth over a ______ period of time.
* These shifts may be natural, but since the _______, ________ activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like 3?) which produces heat-trapping gases.
* The earth used to have a _________ climate compared to other planets, but human misconduct is increasing the rate of climate change on earth, which brings frequent disaster occurrences
What is climate change?
* Climate change refers to long-term shifts in average:
✓ temperatures, rainfall, and weather patterns in a region or earth over a long period of time.
* These shifts may be natural, but since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil, and gas) which produces heat-trapping gases.
* The earth used to have a conducive climate compared to other planets, but human misconduct is increasing the rate of
climate change on earth, which brings frequent disaster occurrences
Why the earth is a hospitable planet (or has a nice climate)?
* Two reasons
1. Earth is located at an _____ distance from the sun
✓ Too close planets to then sun – very ____; thus, inhospitable
✓ Too far planets from the sun – very ____ (_____); hence, inhospitable
- The atmospheric gases that hover on the earth are like a blanket to warm us with nice temperature (like greenhouse)
✓ The gases trap _____ ____ energy to warm up the earth; hence, ________
✓ In the absence of these gases, the earth ______ immediately
Why the earth is a hospitable planet (or has a nice climate)?
* Two reasons
1. Earth is located at an ideal distance from the sun
✓ Too close planets to then sun – very hot; thus, unhospitable
✓ Too far planets from the sun – very cold (freeze); hence, unhospitable
- The atmospheric gases that hover on the earth are like a blanket to warm us with nice temperature (like greenhouse)
✓ The gases trap solar heat energy to warm up the earth; hence, hospitable
✓ In the absence of these gases, the earth freezes immediately
Greenhouse gases of the earth’s atmosphere
mimics the glasses of greenhouse for plants
The six greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
that warm the earth
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Atmosphere; from breathing, plants; any respiration goes to atmosphere, bacteria releases CO2, so do volcanos - Water vapor (H2O)
- water cycle; from the sky
water by the energy of sun evaporates from earth and ocean - Nitrogen oxide (N2O)
- agriculture or nitrogen fixing bacteria in the ocean - Methane (CH4)
- cows; ruminants, rice, trees, bacteria, - Ozone (O3)
- oxygen collide with another oxygen - Chlorofluorocarbons
- sprays (cooler) in fridges. some from industrial production enter air
✓ Greenhouse gases are gases in Earth’s _________ that trap ____.
✓ They let ________ pass through the atmosphere, but they prevent the _____ that the sunlight brings from ________ the atmosphere.
✓ Greenhouse gases are gases in Earth’s atmosphere that trap heat.
✓ They let sunlight pass through the atmosphere, but they prevent the heat that the sunlight brings from leaving the atmosphere.
The greenhouse gases concentration rises
abnormally in the atmosphere currently
* They are the actors responsible for climate change and global warming.
* Their concentration in atmosphere increases due to three things as follows
1. ________ Causes
2. ___________ Causes
3. Greenhouse Gases and The Green house ______
The greenhouse gases concentration rises
abnormally in the atmosphere currently
* They are the actors responsible for climate change and global warming.
* Their concentration in atmosphere increases due to three things as follows
1. Natural Causes
2. Man-made Causes
3. Greenhouse Gases and The Green house Effects
Natural Causes of climate change
* Volcanic eruptions – Volcanoes have a _______ effect on our climate.
✓ Eruptions produce aerosol particles that ______ Earth, but they also release _______ ______, which warms it.
✓ Volcanoes produce ___-times ____ carbon dioxide than humans do, so we know they are not the leading cause of global warming.
✓ On top of this, cooling is the _________ effect of volcanic eruptions, not warming
- El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) – ENSO is a pattern of changing _______ temperatures in the Pacific Ocean. (why pacific? _______ ocean). Any changes in pacific ocean changes the earth
✓ In an ‘El Niño’ year, the global temperature _______ up, and in a ‘La Niña’ year, it ____ down.
✓ These patterns can affect the global temperature for a _______ amount of time (months or years) but cannot explain
the ________ warming that we see today
Natural Causes of climate change
* Volcanic eruptions – Volcanoes have a mixed effect on our climate.
✓ Eruptions produce aerosol particles that cool Earth, but they also release carbon dioxide, which warms it.
✓ Volcanoes produce 50-times less carbon dioxide than humans do, so we know they are not the leading cause of
global warming.
✓ On top of this, cooling is the dominant effect of volcanic eruptions, not warming
- El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) – ENSO is a pattern of changing water temperatures in the Pacific Ocean. (why pacific? biggest ocean). Any changes in pacific ocean changes the earth
✓ In an ‘El Niño’ year, the global temperature warms up, and in a ‘La Niña’ year, it cools down.
✓ These patterns can affect the global temperature for a short amount of time (months or years) but cannot explain
the persistent warming that we see today
Man-made cause of climate change
* Burning fossil fuels – Fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal contain ______ _______ that has been ‘locked away’ in the ground for thousands of years.
✓ When we take these out of the land and burn them, we ________ the stored carbon dioxide into the air.
* Deforestation – Forests _____ and ______ carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
✓ Cutting them down means that carbon dioxide builds up _______ since there are no trees to ______ it.
✓ Not only that, but trees also ______ the carbon they stored when we burn them (wildfire)
* Agriculture – Planting _____ and rearing ______ releases many different types of greenhouse gases into the air.
✓ For example, animals produce _____, which is _____ times more powerful than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas.
✓ The ______ _______ used for fertilisers is ten times worse and is nearly 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide!
* Cement – Producing cement is another contributor to climate change, causing ___% of our entire carbon dioxide emissions
Man-made cause of climate change
* Burning fossil fuels – Fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal contain carbon dioxide that has been ‘locked away’ in the ground for thousands of years.
✓ When we take these out of the land and burn them, we release the stored carbon dioxide into the air.
* Deforestation – Forests remove and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
✓ Cutting them down means that carbon dioxide builds up quicker since there are no trees to absorb it.
✓ Not only that, but trees also release the carbon they stored when we burn them (wildfire)
* Agriculture – Planting crops and rearing animals releases many different types of greenhouse gases into the air.
✓ For example, animals produce methane, which is 30 times more powerful than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas.
✓ The nitrous oxide used for fertilisers is ten times worse and is nearly 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide!
* Cement – Producing cement is another contributor to climate change, causing 2% of our entire carbon dioxide emissions
Greenhouse gases & the greenhouse effect on climate change
* The greenhouse gases absorb some of the ________ ________, instead of it passing straight out into space from the Sun.
✓ The atmosphere then emits ______ in all directions, sending some of it back to the _______, causing the planet to heat up.
✓ This process is known as the ‘_______ effect’.
* Greenhouse gases come from both human and natural sources.
✓ Gases like 3? naturally occur in the atmosphere.
* Some gases in the Earth’s atmosphere trap heat and stop it escaping into space. We call these ‘greenhouse gases’
* The greenhouse effect is critical to our survival. In fact, without green house gases, Earth would be about ____ degrees colder than it is today.
✓ Without greenhouse gases and their warming effect, we wouldn’t be able to survive.
* TOO MUCH greenhouse gases Instead of keeping Earth at a warm, stable temperature, the greenhouse effect is heating the planet at a much faster rate.
✓ We call this the ‘enhanced greenhouse effect’ and it’s the main cause of climate change
Greenhouse gases & the greenhouse effect on climate change
* The greenhouse gases absorb some of the infrared radiation, instead of it passing straight out into space from the Sun.
✓ The atmosphere then emits radiation in all directions, sending some of it back to the surface, causing the planet to heat up.
✓ This process is known as the ‘greenhouse effect’.
* Greenhouse gases come from both human and natural sources.
✓ Gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide naturally occur in the atmosphere.
* Some gases in the Earth’s atmosphere trap heat and stop it escaping into space. We call these ‘greenhouse gases’
* The greenhouse effect is critical to our survival. In fact, without green house gases, Earth would be about 30 degrees
colder than it is today.
✓ Without greenhouse gases and their warming effect, we wouldn’t be able to survive.
* TOO MUCH greenhouse gases Instead of keeping Earth at a warm, stable temperature, the greenhouse effect is heating
the planet at a much faster rate.
✓ We call this the ‘enhanced greenhouse effect’ and it’s the main cause of climate change
when earth is overheated, temperature goes up = gobal warming
Some typical climate/weather-related disasters
✓ floods,
✓ heatwaves,
✓ drought,
✓ hurricanes,
✓ wildfires and
✓ loss of glacial ice.
related to meterology : temperature, rainfall, wind
Some disasters are not metrology related. Name these disasters.
See below
In last 20 years
There were roughly 7250 disasters between 1998 and 2017,
✓ killing over __ ______ people globally
_____ is the major problem: 40%
______ is the second biggest problem
In last 20 years
There were roughly 7250 disasters between 1998 and 2017,
✓ killing over 1.3 million people globally
flooding is the major problem: 40%
Storm is the second biggest problem
________ and _______ are Both are the leading
disasters globally in the last 120 years
Droughts and floods are Both are the leading
disasters globally in the last 120 years
Mapping & zoning the USA by 8 disasters – area zonation
Over ~$145 billion/year
Western part of = wildfire, drought and flooding too
Center, southern, eastern part = sotrm, hurricane, tornado
zonation helps with = mobilize resources and fiht back
Disaster has far-reaching effects on many sectors
Disaster results in
loss of shelter
loss of sanitation
loss of eelctricity (temp danger zone)
clan water
food supply
fecal material everywehre
hazards, toxins
population migration
drought kills?
no food.
burn us, suffocate us with caron monozide, carbon dioxide
heat waveds
heat strok
high speed throws us, drowning
traumatic injury, asphyxia
Landslide –> ?
traumatic injury, asphyxia
Traumatic injury, burns, toxic exposures
Tsunami –>
Drowning, traumatic injury
Cold weather –> ?
Hypothermia, Asphyxia
What are The four phases of disaster management?
- Training, funds ahead of time
- Food, drug, water reserve to give tot hose that do not have any
- Prioritize affected area
As soon as disaster happens:
1. Notify all
2. Mobilize team
3. Nutrition, bacination, medication, etc.
1. Recovery plan - grants to rebuild
2. medical care
3. counseling
Mitigan plan
Mitigation and preparedness is better than going to give just food and that’s it.
Partnership for “One-planet One-health”
* Flood – Department of water resources
* Cyclones – Department of meteorology
* Earthquake, volcano, landslide – Department of geology and soil
* Epidemics – Department of health
* Greenhouse gases – Department of industry and Department of mining
Pillars of disaster, particuarly meterological
Green house gases
mining industry needs to come up wiht solutions for green house gas release