Milk hygiene Flashcards
How does milk get from the cow to the consumer?
What is the process of rearing?
Package of hygienic practice at farm level to prevent milk contamination
How do contaminants enter milk production, processing, & packaging?
Substandard hygienic practices
How is hygiene maintained during the packaging process at the farm level?
The following hygienic practices are required to be
strictly adhered to by the producers.
1. Animal hygiene
2. Milker’s hygiene
3. Utensils/equipment hygiene
4. Hygiene during milking process
5. Environmental hygiene
6. etc
Why? B/c they are the sources of contamination during the collection and transportation of milk.
Feed must be free from
Biological hazards (spores, infectious agents,
Chemical (aflatoxins, corrosives), and
Physical hazards (nails, wires, needles, etc.)
Good bedding helps to minimize
soiling and improves animal comfort.
Housing must be managed to avoid ?
soiling of the
animals and breeding of insects
Clean floor, wall, ceiling
What are the types of water?
Potable water: A hose of sufficient volume and force to wash equipment and cow standings
thoroughly during and after milking is recommended
Specific water consumption is on a level of 1000-5000 1 per 1000 L of milk
Warm running water, containing a suitable disinfectant should be available. Why?
This is to
rinse hands, protective clothing, udders and equipment whenever they become soiled.
Paper towels should be available
Wastewater: All drainage should discharge to a suitable drainage system
Building, barn, and parlor structures on dairy farms:
* Design features must minimize the risk of contamination from any source, including
dust, flies, birds or other animals
* Floors should be impervious to water and be free-draining
* All drainage should discharge to a suitable drainage system.
* Doors and walls should be smooth and impervious and easy to keep clean.
* Roof or loft floors should be made of dust-proof sheet material and be easy to clean
* Sufficient ventilation is required to provide clean air and avoid condensation
* Artificial lighting – ideally strip lights with shatterproof and waterproof diffusers – is
essential to provide good visibility for all milking and cleaning operations
What is important to remember about cleaning the barn and milk area (parlor)?
Keep clean and disinfect milking area
before and after milking
Sufficient potable water must be
available in the milking area for:
hand washing,
udder and teat washing, and
rinsing and cleaning equipment
List the equipment for milking, milk storage, and cooling.
Milking machine
Milk bulk tank
Milk contact surfaces must be
appropriately cleansed and disinfected
immediately after each milking
Milk contact surfaces must be smooth,
washable and non-toxic material
To ensure sanitary conditions, the ________ surfaces of the _______ equipment and ______ system are cleaned once a day.
Almost all the equipment and piping used in the processing plant and on the farm are made from __________ _______
Highly automated _______-___-_____ systems are incorporated into this equipment that allows solvents to be run through the system and then flushed clean. This is done at
a time between the normal influx of milk from the farms
To ensure sanitary conditions, the inner surfaces of the process equipment and piping system are cleaned once a day.
Almost all the equipment and piping used in the processing plant and on the farm are made from stainless steel.
Highly automated clean-in-place systems are incorporated into this equipment that allows solvents to be run through the system and then flushed clean. This is done at
a time between the normal influx of milk from the farms
What is the cleaning and disinfection processes in the milk supply chain?
Cleaning of teats before milking is important to remove
1. visible soiling (e. g. feces, bedding, mud, residual post milking
2. bacteria which could contaminate the milk
Animals must have clean?
Clipping of hair around udder, flanks & tail reduces the count of
bacteria in milk
Trim or clip tail to avoid the attraction of flies
Brush/groom the body of cows to reduce soiling
Teats and udders – use Teat dips/sprays
adjacent parts (flanks, hindquarters, tails and abdomen) before milking
Cleanliness of the external body of cows affect milk quality
(Cows serve as a source of milk contaminants)
Dirty body
Milk contamination
(poor milk hygiene)
Milking step is the critical control point in milk industry (HACCP) – sort cows with 5Ds –> Sort cows with udder problems (mastitis) to reject their milk
or cull cows with chronic mastitis or recurrent mastitis