Meat science and meat hygiene in the USA Flashcards
What makes wagyu beef so expensive?
The fat content
- ______ leads the world in beef production
whereas - _____ leads in poultry meat & pork production
- USA leads the world in beef production
whereas - China leads in poultry meat & pork production
Muscle cell (fiber) biology
Composition of muscle
Structural organization of muscle
Physical and biochemical changes in muscle after
death (i. e. key steps in converting muscle to meat)
75% of meat cell is ?
Connective tissue (collagen, elastin) decide?
Whether meat is tender or tough when you chew it
Sarcoplasmic protein function to?
Include aerobic & anaerobic metabolic enzymes, myoglobins
Myofibrillar protein exist in?
What are tehy?
Myosin, actin, other. They are contractile proteins.
When we are eating meat, we mainly eat?
Myofibrile proteins
What is water holding capacity?
What is the role of myosin in meat?
MY meat is so juicy, flavorful, and hydrates me!
Has role in meat
1. juiciness
2. Flavor
3. water-holding capacity of meat
5% of fat also exists in muscle cells
Beneficial role of lipids in meat?
My lips are so juicy, flavorful, and tender
1. tenderness,
2. juiciness &
3. flavor
Bad role of lipids in meat?
1. ______ taste if there is too much fat &
2. impaired _____-holding capacity of meat.
rancid, water
Low levels of intramuscular fat results in
1. ____ meat with _____ taste.
2. Hence, consumers prefer _______ or ______ marbled meat
dry, little, slightly, moderately
Ash 1%
- The heme iron from meat is more readily
absorbed as a nutrient, and heme iron accounts
for 40–60% of the total iron. - Calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium are
directly involved in contraction in living muscle, - whereas magnesium and calcium contribute to
muscle fiber contraction post-mortem
Composition of muscle varies from species to species
Cod has essentially no?
Skeletal muscle consists of:
1. 10% of ?
2. 90% ______ cells/ ______ and _____ tissue is distributed at 3 levels/scales in muscle:
1. _________ = which surrounds each muscle fiber
2. _________ = which surrounds bundles of the muscle fibers,
3. ________ = which surrounds the muscle as a whole & it is an extension of tendon
connective and fat tissues.
muscle, fibers, connective
endomysium, perimysium, epimysium
Within the muscle cells/fibers,
1. the ____________ occupy nearly the entire intracellular volume.
2. The contractile unit of the muscle fiber is the ___________
Within the muscle cells/fibers,
1. the myofibrils occupy nearly the entire intracellular volume.
2. The contractile unit of the muscle fiber is the sarcomere
Muscle cells/fiber are:
1. multinucleated, and
2. spindle-shaped cells
3. 10 to 100 micrometers diameter
4. Elongated (i. e. long cell)
a length that ranges from –> a few millimeters in fish
to several centimeters
in terrestrial animals
has thousands of nucleuses, ER, mitochondria
A single muscle cell you have?
Myofibrils in the form of “stick”
When we are eating meat, we are eating these myofibrils.
How does muscle contracts: mechanism?
Actin and myosin interact. Actin slides over myosin by using ATP, Mg, and Ca. To relax, ATP, Mg, and Ca also.
- Action potential (electric stimuli) from motor nerves for muscle contraction
- e. g. exercise or shivering (chilling)
1. ATP
2. Calcium
3. magnesium
4. Actin slides over myosin filaments via climbing and falling on to
myosin for contraction and relaxation, respectively.
ATP is required during both climbing and falling processing
How many types of deaths are there?
- Somatic death –> immediate
- Cellular death –> they do not die soon, because they have glycolysis in the absence of oxygen can survive up to 4 hours.
During somatic death,
- Brain stops regulating the body
- Heart stops circulating blood
- Lung stops pumping oxygen
- Immune system stops body surveillance