Weather and Climate Flashcards
Artificial Satellites
devices in Earth’s orbit which collect weather data and allow scientists to quickly monitor atmospheric conditions
Wind Sock
tool used to determine the direction of the wind
Specific Heat Capacity
The amount of heat needed to raise 1 mass unit of the material’s temperature by 1 degree.
Ensemble Forecast Models
a weather model that compares multiple models to determine accuracy; Weather models that agree are probably right.
a measure of an area’s long-term weather patterns
Occluded Fronts
When warm air gets caught between two cold air masses and is lifted off the Earth. On a weather map, purple lines with purple squares and half-circles indicate rain and cooler temperatures.
instrument used to measure the pressure in the air; higher pressure means cooler weather and less rain;
the area between the Tropic of Cancer, which is 23.5 degrees north, and the Tropic of Capricorn, which is 23.5 degrees south; temperature is warm; high rains
Cumulonimbus Clouds
Clouds with many layers and a high look mean storms and bad weather are coming.
Orographic Lift
When the wind is pushed up and over the top of a peak and then down the other side, this is called a wind shift.
Rain Gauge
tool used to collect rainfall and measure the amount of precipitation within a certain timeframe;
the area between latitudes 66.5 degrees north and south and the poles. It has cool summers and very cold winters, and it doesn’t get much rain.
Leeward Side
the side of the mountain that was faced away from the wind
lines on a weather map that connect places with the same atmospheric pressure
Computer Forecast Models
a text or map-based weather model that predicts thunderstorms using data from balloons, satellites, ships, planes, and weather stations worldwide.
Troughs (on a Weather Map)
A black line on a weather map shows places where the air is rough and unsteady.
Stationary Fronts
Fronts form when a mass of cold air and a mass of warm air meet. They bring long-lasting rain.
Temperate Zones
The regions between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (23.5 degrees N and S) and the Arctic and Antarctic Circles (66.5 degrees N and S)
Windward Side
the side of a mountain facing the incoming wind
Weather Balloon
equipment for collecting atmospheric data from a height. The balloon carries a probe until it explodes and falls to the ground.
Warm Fronts
Boundaries of a mass of warm air moving forward, shown on a weather map as a red line with red semicircles.
tool used to measure temperature; measures in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius
Synoptic Chart
a weather map which includes pressure patterns, fronts, wind direction, and speed
Cold Fronts
On a weather map, a blue line with blue circles shows where a mass of cold air is moving in.
a measure of an area’s short-term atmospheric conditions
tool used to measure wind speed
Weather Radar
radio waves are used to find out how much and what kind of rain fell in a certain place.
Volcanic Winter
a global temperature reduction caused by a big volcanic outburst that spews ash. These materials reduce Earth’s warmth by blocking some sunrays.
Hygrometer / Psychrometer
tool used to measure humidity in the air
Rain Shadow Effect
desert-like conditions on the side of a mountain or mountain range that faces away from the wind.
Distances above and below the Equator are measured by the grid’s horizontal lines.
The line of latitude that runs through the middle of the Earth and splits it into the Northern and Southern hemispheres.