Ecology Flashcards
Cold and dry region. Near the poles.
Interspecific Competition
competition between different species
Ex: leopards and lions in sub-Saharan Africa competing for prey
an organism that eats other organisms for energy;
close relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits (parasite) and the other is harmed (host).
Ex: fleas and dogs
Biotic Factors / Biological Factors
Factors in an ecosystem which are or once were living
Ex: plants, animals, dead tree leaves
Apex Predator
an organism at the top of the food chain with little or no natural enemies
mountain lion
Light-Dependent Reaction
The reaction requires sunlight. Photosynthesis converts light into chemical energy.
Deciduous Forest
An area with moderate temperatures and precipitation
Intraspecific Competition
competition between members of the same species
Ex: two male bighorn sheep fighting for a mate
Boreal Forest (Taiga)
An area with cool to cold temperatures and moderate precipitation
The number of different types of species in an area
Tertiary Consumer
an organism in a food chain that eats secondary consumers. May be omnivores or carnivores.
Ex: bear or snake
Trophic Level
what an organism eats determines its food chain position.
Ex: primary consumer
Logistic Growth (in ecology)
Population growth slows after reaching carrying capacity. Insufficient supplies cause this.
Secondary Consumer
an organism in a food chain that eats primary consumers. May be omnivores or carnivores.
Ex: lizard
Keystone Species
Species that balance other populations by devouring omnivores.
Ex; starfish in a kelp forest
Interdependent Species
Species depend on each other for food, protection, competition, working together, and a process called symbiosis.
Calvin Cycle
This is the part of photosynthesis where sugar is made from carbon dioxide.
a small group of interacting species
a group of humans, along with their dogs, cats, trees, etc.
The only place on Earth where life can be found. It goes from the bottom of the seas all the way up to the sky.
Light-Independent Reaction
Reactions that can occur without light being present
Food Web
explain how overlapping food chains in an ecosystem transfer energy.
close relationship between two organisms where both organisms benefit from the relationship.
bees and flowers
An area with extreme temperatures and little to no precipitation (less than 10 inches of rain a year)
Temperate Rainforest
An area with moderate temperature and high precipication year round
an organism that eats both plants and animals for energy and nutrients.
a mouse will eat both insects and seeds
External Stimuli
something that occurs in the environment and can cause a response by the organism
a loud noise
A specific area with interaction of living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) factors.
A group of humans, plants, and animals living on a farm
Primary Consumer
an organism in a food chain that eats the plants (producers). Herbivores.
close relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits and the other is not affected.
barnacles and whales
two dissimilar organisms living in a close relationship
Competitive Exclusion Principle
the idea that two species that compete for the same resource can’t share the same area.
a relationship between species in which one species hunts and kills another for food
foxes hunting chickens
Exponential Growth (in ecology)
Even though there were plenty of supplies, populations grew quickly.
an organism that uses abiotic resources (like the sun’s rays) to make food
Carrying Capacity (K)
how many living things an environment can support before it breaks down
Limiting Factor
A resource that affects how fast a group grows or shrinks.
Migration / Gene Flow
movement of individuals of a species
the dying out of all members of a species
dodo birds
an organism that eats only other animals for energy and nutrients.
mountain lion
an organism that eats only plants for energy and nutrients. Also called a primary consumer.
Competition (Ecology)
struggle among organisms for basic needs such as space, water, food, and sunlight
two male lions fighting over a dead monkey
A grouping of ecosystems that are alike. Biomes are put into groups based on the plants, animals, soil, habitat, temperature, and location
Tropical Rainforest
An area with high temperature and precipitation year round. Often has high humidity.
Amazon Rainforest
An area with moderate temperature and low precipication year round
the natural environment of a living organism
a rattlesnake’s habitat: the desert
Abiotic Factors / Physical Factors
Factors in an ecosystem which are not alive
temperature, precipitation, soil
Internal Stimuli
something that occurs within an organism and can cause a response by the organism
release of hormones
how a creature interacts with and acts in its environment.