Earth-Moon-Sun Flashcards
a season with roughly equal length of day and night; marks transition from winter into summer
Waning Crescent
when less than half of the moon’s face is lit up as seen from Earth.
Spring Tide
When the sun, moon, and Earth are in the same place, tides are stronger.
Lunar Cycle / Phase of the Moon
how the moon’s surface looks when viewed from Earth
Ex: Full Moon
Waning Gibbous
when the part of the moon that is lit up is getting smaller, but more than half of the moon’s face is still lit up as seen from Earth.
Neap Tide
Because the sun and moon pull on the earth in different ways, there are less tides.
There are places on earth where there is more water that are in line with the moon’s gravity.
a season with roughly equal length of day and night; marks transition from summer into winter
Time Zones
A time zone is a part of the world that keeps the same normal time. Depending on daylight saving time, there are around 37 time zones.
Northern Hemisphere
The half of the earth north of the equator
Daylight Saving Time
putting clocks forward one hour in the summer.
High Tide
Because the moon and sun weigh more than the earth, water levels rise.
Third Quarter
the part of the moon’s cycle when it has gone three-quarters of the way around the Earth. From Earth, it looks like only half of it is lit up.
Solar Eclipse
a time when the moon blocks out or darkens the sun’s surface.
First Quarter
the part of the moon’s cycle when it has gone one-quarter of the way around the Earth. To people on Earth, it looks like half of it is lit up.
The sun and moon’s gravity and the earth’s movement cause the sea level to rise and fall.
the season with the shortest days, the longest nights, and the coldest temps; When that part of the earth tilts away from the sun, winter happens.
Full Moon
the part of the lunar cycle when the moon is halfway around the Earth. To people on Earth, it looks like it is completely lit up.
Lunar Eclipse
a time when Earth’s shadow makes the moon’s surface hard to see or dark.
New Moon
the part of the moon’s cycle when it starts to go around the Earth. Between the Earth and the Sun is the moon. From Earth, it looks like it doesn’t have any light.
Low Tide
lower water levels because the moon and sun’s gravity aren’t in sync.
Waxing Gibbous
the phase of the moon when the side that is lit up is getting bigger and more than half of the moon’s face can be seen from Earth.
summer is the season with the longest days, shortest nights, and hottest temperatures. It happens when that part of the earth is turned toward the sun.
Waxing Crescent
when the part of the moon that is lit up is getting bigger, but less than half of the moon’s face is lit up as seen from Earth.