Waves Flashcards
Threshold of Pain
sound at 120 dB
Dual Nature
Light acts both as a wave and as a particle.
Electron Transitions
when atoms absorb and release energy, electrons move from the ground state to higher orbitals and back again.
Ex: neon lights
Mechanical Waves
Physical waves that travel through a medium.
Ex: sound and water waves
a disturbance that transports energy as it moves through space and time
A vision problem in which a person cannot see nearby objects without correction.
Diffuse Reflection
a reflection in which no image is seen
Ex: reflection from a wall
Reflection (of Light)
The bouncing of light off of a surface
Ex: Light reflects off of a mirror
Magnetic Poles
the north and south ends of a magnet
The unit for the loudness of sound and is abbreviated dB.
Voltage / Potential Difference / Potential
Volts (V) are used to measure the difference in energy per charge between any two places in a circuit.
Circuit Diagram / Schematic
a drawing that uses symbols to show how components should be connected in a circuit
the most a particle of the medium can move during a vibration (measured from a point where the medium is not moving to one crest).
how high or low the sound seems to a human ear
A device that reduces/limits/controls the current in a circuit, measured in ohms (Ω).
Short Circuit
a dangerous circuit in which a wire goes straight from one battery contact to the other.
distance units used to measure the length of one full wave cycle in space.
Red is long. Violet is short
the number of times an action was seen over a certain amount of time
Red is low. Violet is high
Threshold of Hearing
0 dB, the softest sound a human can hear
an atom that has gained or lost an electron and now has a net electrical charge.
the peaks, or highest points, of a vertically vibrating transverse wave
A vision problem in which a person cannot see distant objects without correction because their eyeball is too long.
a particle of light energy
the time it takes to complete one full wave cycle, measured in seconds
Refraction (of Light)
The bending of a light ray’s direction of travel as it goes from one material to another.
Ex: A pencil looks bent when placed in water
the material that carries a mechanical wave
Visible Light
light with frequencies that humans can see
Ex: Wavelengths: Red is long. Violet is short.
Frequency: Red is low. Violet is high.
Compound Microscope
Often employs two thick convex lenses to magnify very small objects.
Troughs (of a Wave)
valleys are the lowest points of a horizontal wave that moves up and down.
Transverse Wave
A wave in which the sound goes in the opposite direction of the way the energy moves.
In a transverse wave, it’s perpendicular
The flow rate of charge, measured in amps (A).
Longitudinal Wave
a wave where the direction of the sound is the same as the way the energy moves.
In a LONGitudinal wave, the vibration is ALONG with the motion
Electromagnetic Spectrum
electromagnetic waves of all frequencies, from very long radio waves to very short gamma rays
Ohms (Ω)
the unit for resistance
Compression Wave
a wave that moves in one direction and has places of high and low pressure or density
Magnetic Field
The magnetic force that could exist in the space around a magnet. Proportional to the force on a magnetic pole in the space around the magnet.
Specular Reflection
a reflection that looks like the image
Ex: mirrors
Electromagnetic Waves
Waves are made up of electric and magnetic forces that move back and forth. Electromagnetic waves don’t need a medium to move, so they can go through an empty space. All things with temperatures above absolute zero give off heat.
Wave Speed
Tells how fast the wave energy moves from one place to another
Wave speed =wavelength x frequency