Weather academics + review Flashcards
Natural Air is:
Dry air + Condensation Nuclei + Water Vapor
Troposphere height at equator:
ca. 60.000 ft
Troposphere height at the poles:
ca. 25.000 ft
3 reasons for the 3-cell theory of circulation:
- Uneven heating of sun
- Coriolis force
- Tilt of earth
Low pressure on northern hemisphere rotates _____
High pressure on northern hemisphere rotates _____
30* - 60* N latitude has primarily ______ winds.
Where in the atmosphere does the weather occur?
4 types of heat transfer:
Where would you find the strongest thermal current?
Over land surface during daylight hours
OLR is short for:
Observed Lapse Rate
How is heat transfered through radiation:
As electromagnetic waves
What is insolation?
The radiation comming from the sun to the earth
what is terrestrial radiation?
The radiation leaving earth into the space
A layer of air, characterized by increase in temp by altitude is called:
Temperature inversion
How is change in pressure depicted on a weather chart?
Isobars - Drawn 4 Mb apart
PGF short for
Pressure gradient force
PGF is defined as:
The rate at which air will accelerate depends on rate at which pressure changes with distance
Strong/Steep pressure gradient force is when:
Isobars are closely spaced together and there are stronger winds
Weak/flat pressure gradient force is when:
Isobars are separated further apart and the winds are more calm
at a high pressure situation the winds are moving ____ and ____ to the isobars, and ____ and ____ in low pressure situation
Clockwise , parallel
Counterclockwise , parallel
In theory, at what altitude stops surface friction?
2.000 ft AGL
When below 2.000 ft AGL how is the winds changed when surface friction is applied:
High Pressure:
Low pressure:
- High pressure: The winds diverge out from the center
- Low pressure: The winds converge towards the center
High pressure on northern hemisphere is a (cyclone/anticyclone)