Instrument part 2 - Instrument approach procedures; Non-precision (Day 12) Flashcards
4 IAP segments:
Initial approach
Intermediate approach
Final approach
Missed approach
2 things all non-precision approaches have in common:
- No electronic glideslope (no vertical guidance)
2. Has a MDA
When can you fly below MDS
When you have sufficient visual reference of the runway and the A/C is in a position where a safe approach and landing can be made.
3 types nonprecision approaches
ASR (airport surveillance radar)
RNAV is short for:
Random area navigation
LP is short for:
Localizer Performance
Approach procedure restrictions
- Local altimeter setting information
- Maximum KIAS limit
- 5NM airspace limit
- Visibility reduction by helicopter NA
2 types of course reversal:
Procedure turns
Holding pattern in leu of procedure turn
4 common techniques for a procedure turn
- Teardrop pattern
- Standard 45degree turn (45/280)
- 80/260 course reversal
- Holding/racetrack pattern
When not to do procedure turns:
- Cleared for Straight in approach
- Flying via NoPt route
- When established in holding and subsequently cleared for the approach and the holding course and PT course are the same.
- When on radar vectors
- ATC cleares the aircraft for timed approach
When can you decent to the next appropriate altitude?
- After radar vectors to final
- Procedure turn inbound
- Feeder route with no Pt
Before you can begin decent you must be:
Cleared for the approach
Established on the Final Approach Course
Within the distance specified in the profile view
IAF indicates:
The beginning of the initial approach segment(s)
FAF indicates:
The beginning of the final approach segment
FAP is short for:
Final Approach Point
Missed approach options:
- Require ATC clearance
- Request additional approaches provided fuel, including reserve, is adequate
- Request to proceed to alternate
- Call FFS to file flight plan to your alternate
Missed approach climb rate:
All approaches (except Copters) - 200ft/nm Copter - 400ft/nm
Full scale deflection on a Localizer is ____ degrees.
When flying a localizer approach, what is acceptable tracking tolerance?
Less than full deflection
Visual Decent Point is only applicable to:
A straight in non-precision approach.
3 Additional approach procedures
Visual approach
Contact approach
Charted visual approach
IF is short for:
Intermediate Fix
TDZE is short for:
Touchdown Zone Elevation
THRE is short for:
Threshold Elevation