Instrument 1 - pubs (Day 1) Flashcards
FIH is short for:
Flight information Handbook
GP is short for:
General Planning
TPP is short for:
Terminal Procedures Publication
TCN is short for:
Terminal Change Notice
PCN is short for:
Planning Change Notice
Publication cycle for the FIH:
32 Weeks
ECN is short for:
Enroute Change notice
UCN is short for:
Urgent Change notice
Publication cycle for the Enroute IFR Supplement:
8 Weeks
IFR ELA is short for:
IFR Enroute Low Altitude (chart)
TLA is short for:
Terminal Low Altitude
OROCA is short for?
Off Route Obstruction Clearence Altitude.
OROCA - obstruction clearence height buffers:
- Non mountains Areas
- Mountains Areas
- 1000 ft
- 2000 ft
ELA charts is issued every ____ weeks
MEA is short for:
Minimum Enroute Altitude
MOCA is short for:
Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude
MAA is short for
Maximum Altitude Authorized
MCA is short for
Minimum Crossing Altitude
MTA is short for
Minimum Turning Altitude
During 2-way rdo failure in IFR, what is the proper altitude to fly for any given leg?
a - Last FL cleared by ATC.
b - Minimum altitude for IFR operations
c - Altitude or FL ATC has advised may be expected in a further clearance.
METAR breakdown can be located in Chapter ____ in the FIH
Transponder code 7777 tells that:
Intercepter aircraft on active air defense mission without ATC clearence
In what situation should pilots discontinue position reports over designated points?
When informed by ATC that their A/C are in radar contact
What are the items of an FAA IFR position report, made to an ARTCC or Approach Control?
- Identification
- Position
- Time
- Altitude/FL
- ETA and name of next report point
- Name only of the next succeding reporting point along the route of the flight
- Pertient (relevant) remarks
When requesting a telephone weather/NOTAM briefing from a military forecaster, what information should the pilot give the forecaster?
- Name of person calling
- A/C type and Call Sign
- VFR or IFR and Proposed altitude
- ETD for departure point and ETA for destination and alternates
- Route
- In route stops if applicable (in order with ETA’s)
You have inadvertently strayed into foregin airspace. You notice a foregin aircraft position itself to your right front and rock its wing. what does this indicate?
You have been interceptet - follow me
What type of approach lightning system does the following symbol indicate?

Medium intensity approach lighting system with rwy allignment indicator lights
What is the time difference from Ft. Rucker local time to UTC:
UTC-6 (-5 DS)
in the IFR supplement:
The Letter A after an airport 4 letter identifier indicates that it is an ____.
US Army airport
in the IFR supplement:
The letter B under the airport indicates that:
Rotating beacon is not available
PAPI is short for (acc rwy lights)?
Precission Approach Path Indicator
What is the highest altitude you can fly when using a ELA chart?
up to 18.000 ft MSL
Regarding the ELA charts on the small world map, what does the Black city names mean?
What about the Green names?
BLACK - Major traffic hubs for which Area Charts are available
GREEN - To assist you in orientation and selection of the appropriate chart (no Area Charts available)
Regarding ELA charts:
The length of the longest rwy at any airport is given to the nearest ____ ft with ____ ft as a breaking point
100, 70
GP is published every ____ weeks, with PCN issued every ___ weeks
Area Planning ( AP 1, 2 and 3) is published every ___ weeks, with PCN’s at ____ and ____ weeks interval.
8, 16
ELA and EHA charts are published every ____ weeks
Entroute VFR supplement is publicated every ____ weeks, ECN published every ____ weeks