Instrument part 2 - departure procedure (Day 11) Flashcards
Where can you depart from on an airport IFR?
Runway or T/O pad
2 ways to get IFR clearance from an airport with twr:
Clearance delivery
Ground control
4 ways to get IFR Clearance from an airport without twr/twr closed:
Radio (FFS)
RCO - Remote communication outlet
GCO - Ground communication outlet
Telephone (1-800-992-7433/1-800-WXBRIEF)
IFR clearance Items:
- A/c identification
- clearance limit
- SID (as necessary)
- Route of flight
- Altitude data in the order flown
- Holding instructions (as necessary)
- Any special information (as necessary)
- Freq (Who to contact after departure)
The T/O minimums for a pilot on the controls who has logged less than 50 hours actual weather hours as a PC?
100 ft ceiling
1/4 sm visibility
Types of departures:
- Diverse departure
- ODPs
- SIDs
- Radar departure
- VFR departure
SIDs are depicted as _____ and _____
When and how will you do a diverse departure?
- Airport has at least 1 instrument approach
- No ODP is published
- Minimum rate of climb is 200 f/nm
- No turn until passing 400 ft agl
An Obstacle Departure Procedure (ODP) is:
Preplanned IFR departure procedure that provides obstruction clearance via the least onerous route from the terminal area to the appropriate en route structure
ODPs may require:
Greater than standard takeoff and ceiling and or vis
A specified altitude before turning
Greater than 200 f/Nm climb rate
SIDs are primarily designed to:
- Expedite traffic flow
- reduce pilot/controller workload
Radar controlled departure is what?
- When departing IFR in congested areas.
Will the aviator be advised before takeoff?
- When the departure is to be vectored the aviator will be advised before takeoff to the initial heading
What will departure controll do?
- Departure control vectors the aircraft to either a navigation facility on an enroute position appropriate to the departure clearance
Does radar controlled departure relieve responsibilities?
- radar controlled departure does not relieve responsibilities