Acronyms for BWS - Daytime Flashcards
Selection of BP:
- Nature of the target
- Obstacles
- Range to target
- Multiple firing positions/lanes
- Area to maneuver
Selection of firing positions:
- Background
- Range
- Altitude (target)
- Sun or full moon
- Shadow
- Concealment
- Rotor wash
- Area to maneuver
- Fields of fire
- Obstacle clearance
Fragmentary order:
- Enemy
- Friendly
- Task
- Purpose
Coordination instructions
- Friendly Location
- Friendly Marking
- Enemy location
- Enemy marking
- Command and control net for confirmation/commands
- Clearance of fires approval authority on the ground
Fundamental of reconnaissance:
- Gain and maintain contact
- Orient on the recon objective
- Report rapidly and accurately
- Retain freedom of maneuver
- Develop the situation rapidly
- Do not keep recon forces in reserve
- Ensure continuous reconnaissance
LZ/PZ Tactical Recon:
- Mission
- Security
- Location
LZ/PZ Technical Recon:
- Landing formation
- Obstacle
- Number and type of A/C
- Ground slope
- Loads
- Approach and departure direction
- Size of available landing area
- Surface condition
- Vulnerability
LZ/PZ Meteorological Recon:
- Visibility
- Density altitude
- Winds
- Cieling
Holing Area Recon:
- Cover and concealment
- Obstacles
- Key terrain
- Ave. of approach and departure
- Security
Actions on contact:
- Establish the approproate flight profile
- Report Immediately (Contact rep)
- Target
- Azimuth
- Range
- Maintain contact
- Develop the situation
- Recommend or execute COA (SPOT rep)
Target Handover to Attack Helicopter:
- Alert and target description
- Target location
- Method of engagement/attack
- Execution
- Post engagement/attack actions
Route Reconnaissance critical tasks:
- Assess trafficability of the route
- Assess and classify, to the aircrews’ best ability, all bridges, overpasses, underpasses, and culverts that might restrict access
- Locate bypasses around built up areas, mines, obstacles, barriers, and contaminated areas
- Locate suitable landing zones and hazards to flt.
- Locate fords and crossing sites in proximity to the route
- Identity suspicious items or personel and equipment along the route
- Find and report all threats that can influence movement along the route to include civilian activity
- Reconnoiter all terrain the enemy can use to dominate movement along the route
- Reconnoiter all defiles along the route for possible ambush sites and locate a bypass
- Reconnoiter all built-up areas along the route
- Report route information, to include providing a sketch map or a route overlay.
Obstructions include:
- Restricted lateral clearance, including traveled way width (bridges, built up areas, rock falls, slide areas, tunnels, and wooded areas)
- Restricted overhead clearance less than 4.3 meters (overpasses, bridges, tunnels, wooded areas, built up areas)
- Sharp curves less than 25 meter radius
- Unstable foundation
- Poor drainage
- Excessive gradients 7 percent or greater
- Rough surface conditions
- Snow blockage
Ground route reconnaissance minimum planning requirements:
- Start point
- Release point
- Designation of the route
- Mission start times and duration
- Size and composition of friendly force utilizing the route
Regarding Ground route reconnaissance:
- What is gained in speed is ___________________:
Lost in the thorough detail
Regarding Ground route reconnaissance:
Aviation elements are limited in some capabilities and _____ _____ some specific information such as:
Cannot ascertain
- Classification of bridges
- Curves
- Load bearing capabilities
- Poor weather ratings
- Fording sides
+ Other data