Acronyms for BWS - Daytime Flashcards
Selection of BP:
- Nature of the target
- Obstacles
- Range to target
- Multiple firing positions/lanes
- Area to maneuver
Selection of firing positions:
- Background
- Range
- Altitude (target)
- Sun or full moon
- Shadow
- Concealment
- Rotor wash
- Area to maneuver
- Fields of fire
- Obstacle clearance
Fragmentary order:
- Enemy
- Friendly
- Task
- Purpose
Coordination instructions
- Friendly Location
- Friendly Marking
- Enemy location
- Enemy marking
- Command and control net for confirmation/commands
- Clearance of fires approval authority on the ground
Fundamental of reconnaissance:
- Gain and maintain contact
- Orient on the recon objective
- Report rapidly and accurately
- Retain freedom of maneuver
- Develop the situation rapidly
- Do not keep recon forces in reserve
- Ensure continuous reconnaissance
LZ/PZ Tactical Recon:
- Mission
- Security
- Location
LZ/PZ Technical Recon:
- Landing formation
- Obstacle
- Number and type of A/C
- Ground slope
- Loads
- Approach and departure direction
- Size of available landing area
- Surface condition
- Vulnerability
LZ/PZ Meteorological Recon:
- Visibility
- Density altitude
- Winds
- Cieling
Holing Area Recon:
- Cover and concealment
- Obstacles
- Key terrain
- Ave. of approach and departure
- Security
Actions on contact:
- Establish the approproate flight profile
- Report Immediately (Contact rep)
- Target
- Azimuth
- Range
- Maintain contact
- Develop the situation
- Recommend or execute COA (SPOT rep)
Target Handover to Attack Helicopter:
- Alert and target description
- Target location
- Method of engagement/attack
- Execution
- Post engagement/attack actions
Route Reconnaissance critical tasks:
- Assess trafficability of the route
- Assess and classify, to the aircrews’ best ability, all bridges, overpasses, underpasses, and culverts that might restrict access
- Locate bypasses around built up areas, mines, obstacles, barriers, and contaminated areas
- Locate suitable landing zones and hazards to flt.
- Locate fords and crossing sites in proximity to the route
- Identity suspicious items or personel and equipment along the route
- Find and report all threats that can influence movement along the route to include civilian activity
- Reconnoiter all terrain the enemy can use to dominate movement along the route
- Reconnoiter all defiles along the route for possible ambush sites and locate a bypass
- Reconnoiter all built-up areas along the route
- Report route information, to include providing a sketch map or a route overlay.
Obstructions include:
- Restricted lateral clearance, including traveled way width (bridges, built up areas, rock falls, slide areas, tunnels, and wooded areas)
- Restricted overhead clearance less than 4.3 meters (overpasses, bridges, tunnels, wooded areas, built up areas)
- Sharp curves less than 25 meter radius
- Unstable foundation
- Poor drainage
- Excessive gradients 7 percent or greater
- Rough surface conditions
- Snow blockage
Ground route reconnaissance minimum planning requirements:
- Start point
- Release point
- Designation of the route
- Mission start times and duration
- Size and composition of friendly force utilizing the route
Regarding Ground route reconnaissance:
- What is gained in speed is ___________________:
Lost in the thorough detail
Regarding Ground route reconnaissance:
Aviation elements are limited in some capabilities and _____ _____ some specific information such as:
Cannot ascertain
- Classification of bridges
- Curves
- Load bearing capabilities
- Poor weather ratings
- Fording sides
+ Other data
Air route reconnaissance:
- Hazards
- Ease of navigation
- Location of enemy
- Possible PZ/LZ
Tactical Flight Mission Planning:
AMPS-Don’t Fuck With RC
- Analyze the mission
- Map/Photo recon
- Primary/alternate routes
- Selected modes of flight
- Distance - determine
- Fuel - required
- Weather briefing
- Risk assessment
- Crew brief
Hazards to terrain flight:
- Meteorological - wx
- Physical - Natural / manmade
- Human
Techniques of Movement
- Traveling
- Traveling overwatch
- Bounding overwatch
Call for fire and Adjust fire:
I W-ont L-et D-own M-y M-omma
- ID of observer
- Warning order
- Location of Target
- Description of target
- Method of engagement
- Method of Fire and Control
Takeoff Consideration:
- Situation
- Long Axis
- Obstacles
- Obstacles
- Wind
Wind recognition:
- Ground Cues
- Aircraft Cues
- Forecast vs Actual wind
Tactical (Spot) Repot:
- Size
- Activity
- Location
- Time
- What i’m doing
Abort Criteria for slope landing:
- Cyclic limit
- Aircraft Limits
- Mast bumping
- Personal/physical limits
- Sliding
Aerial Observation, Key tasks:
- Detect
- Identify
- Locate
- Report
Visual search definition:
The systematic visual search of a given area so that all parts of the area are observed or scanned
Factors that affect visual search:
- Weather
- Altitude
- Airspeed
- Terrain
- Cues
- Human eye
Visual Cues for Search:
- Movement
- Color
- Light
- Obvious sightings
- Shadows/shapes
- Smoke
- Texture
- Trails
Approach considerations
Tactical situation Suitability of the landing area Long axis Obstacles Wind
Fundamentals of Security Operations
Maintain enemy contact Orient on the force or facility to be secured Perform continous reconnaissance Provide early and accurate warning Provide reaction time and maneuver space