Instrument 1 - Attitude instrument flying (Day 2) Flashcards
Atitude instrument flying is?
Defined as control of an aircraft’s spatial position by using instruments rather than outside visual references.
Control and performance method is when:
Aricraft performance is achieved by controlling the A/C attitude and power
Control Instruments:
Changes are displayed immediate and consists of:
Attitude indicator
Torque FLI
Performance instruments are:
Imputs are delayed and consists off:
Compass rose
Airspeed indicator
Navigation instruments:
Just to aid in navigation and consists off:
Nav display
Instruments that show pitch:
Airspeed indicator
Attitude indicator
Instruments that show bank:
Attitude indicator
Heading indicator
(Turn and slip indicator)
(Magnetic compass)
instruments that show power:
Airspeed indicator
Torque indicaton
Concerning the primary and suporting methods the instruments are seperated into two categories, which are:
Primary and Suporting instruments
Primary and supporting instruments are:
Primary instruments are the instrument that provide pertient and essential information for the specific requirement for a maneuver.
Supporting are the instruments aiding the primary instrument.
Fundamental pilot skills are:
(Proper) Instrument Interpretation
Aircraft Control
Accronym - CIA
The most important instrument to Cross-Check is the:
Attitude indicator
Common cross-check errors:
Accronym - FOE(S)
Formular for standard rate turn
TAS / 10 + 1/2 of the result
eks: 90Kts / 10 = 9
9 / 2 = 4.5
9 + 4.5 = 13.5 degrees
Definition of standard rate turn
turn of 3 dregrees / second
Two types of IFR turns:
Normal - standard rate turns
Steep - anything greater than standard rate turn
Unusual attitude definition:
Any maneuver not required for normal helicopter instrument flight.
Unusual recover attitude:
* Always head towards alabama T *
The two elements of Helicopter control
Attitude and power
Small heading change (less than 20*) should use a ____ standard rate turn
What is hte basis for helicopter control during instrument flight?
Proper instrument interpretation
Generally for straight-and-level flight what are the primary instruments for helicopter:
(What instrument would you use to se if there needs a change in the following)
- Pitch
- Bank
- Power
Pitch - Altimeter
Bank - Heading
Power - Airspeed indicator