Weak Areas Flashcards
Chapter 10
What are Johnson’s three factors of strategic choice?
Business strategy - current position
Strategy methods - used to achieve strategy
Strategic direction - chosen direction of products and markets
Chapter 10
What are the four quadrants of Ansoff’s product matrix?
Market penetration
Market development
Product development
Chapter 10
List 2 business level strategies and 3 corporate level strategies.
Business level
- Business process re-engineering
- Porter’s generic strategic choices
Corporate level
- Blue ocean
- Corporate parenting
- Portfolio analysis
Chapter 11
What are the three “key evaluation criteria” for assessing strategy success?
Chapter 13
Who developed the balanced scorecard approach and what are its four perspectives?
Kaplan &Norton (1992)
Customer perspective
Internal business perspective
Financial perspective
Innovation and learning perspective
Chapter 10
What are the two axis of Porter’s generic strategic options model?
Competitive advantage (cost vs differentiation) Competitive scope (broad vs narrow)
Chapter 10
In Porter’s cost leadership model, what 4 key drivers did Johnson suggest need to be considered?
Input costs
Economies of scale
Chapter 10
In Porter’s differentiation model, what 3 key drivers did Johnson suggest need to be considered?
Product and service attributes
Customer relationships
Chapter 10
In Porter’s organisational focus model, what 3 key drivers did Johnson suggest need to be considered?
Identification of a distinct segment need
Identification of distinct segment value chains
Identification of a viable market segment
Chapter 3
What are shoemaker’s 6 essential skills for effective leadership?
Anticipate Challenge Interpret Decide Align Learn
Chapter 3
What are the three elements of John Adair’s action centred leadership?
Chapter 3
Senge described a “learning organisation”. What are the 5 stages of this model?
- Personal mastery
- Mental models
- Shared vision
- Team learning
- Systemic thinking
Chapter 1
When discussion organisational purpose, we can use several models to discuss mission - name four.
Maccoby strategic intelligence
Johnson’s role of mission
The Ashridge mission model
McKinsey 7S framework
Chapter 8
What are the 6 elements that Maccoby suggests could be used to derive meaning from mission?
Survival Relatedness Play Information Dignity Mastery
Chapter 8
What are the four elements of the Ashridge Mission Model that can be used to determine the core drivers behind organisational mission?
Purpose (Why?)
Values (Who and what?)
Strategy (When and where?)
Standards and behaviors (How?)
Chapter 8
The McKinsey 7S framework can be used to challenge and understand organisational mission. What are the hard and soft elements of the model?
- Strategy
- Structure
- Skills
- Staff
- Style
- Shared values
Chapter 6
What three models can be used to understand organisational culture?
Harrison & Handy’s cultural types
Deal & Kennedy’s organisational cultures
Johnson’s cultural web
Chapter 6
What are the four phases of strategic drift identified by Johnson?
Incremental strategic change - slowly adapting to a changeing environment
Strategic drift - An increasing gap developing between the organisation’s strategy and external environment.
Flux - vying to fill the gaps that have occured during strategic drift
Transformation or death - either a resolution is reached, or the organisation ceases to exist.
Chapter 6
What are the 6 cultural aspects identified in Johnson’s cultural web?
- Rituals and routines
- Stories
- Symbols
- Control systems
- Power structures
- Organisational structures
Chapter 6
What are the 4 types of cultural in Harrison & Handy’s cultural types?
- Role
- Task
- Power
- Person
Chapter 5
What are the 4 support activities and 5 primary activities in Porter’s value chain analysis?
- Firm infrastructure
- Human resources
- Technology development
- Procurement
- Inbound logistics
- Operations
- Outbound logistics
- Marketing and sales
- Service
Chapter 4
Ringland (2014) set out 7 dimensions to be considered during scenario planning. What were these?
Vital issues Positive outcome Negative outcome Internal systems Key learnings Key decisions Personal dimension
Chapter 5
Carter (1999) set out 4 types of person - what were these, based on their energy and attitude?
Walking dead
Chapter 7
What is Principle B of the UK Corporate Governance Code?
The board should establish the company’s purpose, values and strategy, and satisfy itself that
these and its culture are aligned. All directors must act with integrity, lead by example and
promote the desired culture.
Chapter 3
Who developed “action centred leadership”?
John Adair
Chapter 9
What are the four stages of Caroll’s CSR pyramid?
- Philanthropic responsibility
- Ethical responsibility
- Legal responsibility
- Economic responsibility
Chapter 9
Johnson produced a matrix of different CSR approaches. What were the 4 categories?
Laissez faire - compliance and profit
Enlightened self interest - good business
Stakeholder interaction - sustainability
Shaper of society - social and market change
Chapter 3
What are the basic strategic actions that a Board must consider when setting strategy?
Determine strategic direction
Mapping the route
Communicating the strategy
Chapter 12
Robbins & Judge provided 6 key elements to consider when determining organisational structure. What were these?
Specialisation Departmentalisation Chain of Command Span of control Levels of centralisation Formalisation