WBC- qualitative disorder of leukocyte Flashcards
-granulocyte with large, darkly staining metachromatic cytoplasmic granules
-Accumulation of degraded mucopolysaccharide
-these are fused primary granules (peroxidase positive)
-pink or red rod-shaped structures
-aggregate of free ribosomes of rough E.R
-Confused with may hegglin
-single or multiple blue inclusion
Dohle bodies/ tomato bodies (blunted ends)
-large to purple to black primary granules
-represent precipitation of ribosomal protein RNA
-cannon be found in lymphocyte
Toxic granules
platelet disorder characterized by variable thrombocytopenia
-giant platelet
-morphologically abnormal but functionally normal
characterized by normal random activity and abnormal chemotactic activity
Job’s syndrome
Abnormal random activity and abnormal chemotactic activity
Lazy leukocyte syndrome
Inability of phagocytes to kill ingested microorganisms
Impaired NADPH oxidase
Impaired oxidative metabolism/respiratory burst
Test: NBT dye test
chronic granulomatous disease (CGD)
neutrophil with homogenous round body
LE cell
monocyte with ingested lymphocyte
Tart cell
originally B cell with a hair like projection which are identified by being TRAP resistance
Hairy cell
Lymphocyte w/ thumbprint appearance
♫ Due to pressure in smear preparation
Automated cell count
♫ Remedy: Add bovine albumin
Basket cell/ thumbprint
w/ cerebriform nucleus (“brain-like”)
♫ Sezary syndrome
♫ Mycosis fungoides
Sezary cells
cells similar to normal lymphocyte except that is notched, lobulated, clover-leaf like
Reider cells
a plasma cells w/ red to pink cytolplasm; associated with increased igA and usually seen in multiple myeloma
flame cells
Individual globules of immunoglobulin
Russel bodiues
Intranuclear protein inclusions
Dutcher’s bodies
Plasma cell w/ vacuoles
Accumulation of Russell bodies
♫ Multiple myeloma
grape cell/berry/morula/ mott cell
Accumulation of glucocerebroside
(-) glucocerebrosidase/β-glucosidase
Wrinkled/crumpled cytoplasm (Chicken scratch)
-most common lipid storage disease
Clinical triad
:Gaucher cell
:increase serum phosphatase
Gauchers disease
Accumulation of sphingomyelin
(-) sphingomyelinase
Foamy cytoplasm
Foam cells w/ sphingomyelin
Niemann-pick disease
Accumulation of glycolipid and ganglioside
(-) Hexosaminidase A
Vacuolated cytoplasm
Tay sachs diasease
Accumulation of glycolipid and ganglioside
(-) Hexosaminidase A & B
Vacuolated cytoplasm
Sand Hoff’s disease
Unknown enzyme deficiency
Blue-green cytoplasm
Sea blue histiocytosis
common carriers of gauchers disease
ashkenazi jews
has a foamy appearance
Pick cell