Often referred to as Cooley’s anemia
Thalassic (greek for “great sea”)
B-thalassemia major
It is a result from a reduced or absent synthesis of one or more of the globin chains of hemoglobin.
-mutation affecting the a- or b-globin gene
Thalassemia or hemoglobinopathy
note: if there is a decrease or absent synthesis of one of the chains not only leads to decrease production of hemoglobin but results in imbalances in the a/b chain ratio.
What is the major adult hemoglobin
Hb A (a2b2)
Where is the a-like globin gene cluster is located?
Chromosome 16
Where is the beta-like globin gene cluster is located?
Chromosome 11
What does Alpha like globin gene contains ?
(3) three functional genes:
- HBE (epsilon-globin),
- HBA1 (a1-globin)
- HBA2 (a2-globin)
What does beta-like globin gene contains?
(5) five functional genes:
- HBE (epsilon-globin),
- HBG2 (gamma y-globin),
- HBG1 (gamma A-globin),
- HBD ( Delta-globin)
- HBB( beta-globin)
what are the genetic defect causing thalassemia
- Reduced or absent production of a particular globin chains which DIMINISHED hemoglobin synthesis and produces microcytic, hypochromic RBCs
- unequal production causing an IMBALANCE in the alpha/beta-globin ratio; this leads to a markedly DEACREASE SURVIVAL of RBCs and their precursor
NOTE: the A/B imbalance is more significant and determined the clinically severity of the thalassemia
it is called as the premature death of RBC precursors in the bone marrow
-the none marrow is able to produce but they become dysfunctional/ not useful
Ineffective erythropoiesis
“Hair on end” apperance observed in a skull radiograph of a patient. Other patient characteristics may include: frontal bossing, abnormal prominent cheecknones and upper jaw. The patient is suffering from what disease?
Beta Thalassemia aka Cooley’s anemia
What is the severe form of B-thalassemia?
Possible PBS findings may show target cells, dacrocytes, elliptocytes, nucleated RBCs, basophilic stippling, Howell-jolly bodies and pappenheimer bodies.
group of inherited disorder causing decreased rate of synthesis of a structurally normal globin chain
severe anemia; either no alpha or no bet chains produced
Thalassemia major
mild anemia; sufficient alpha and beta chains produced to make normal hemoglobinA, A2, and F but maybe abnormal amount
Thalassemia minor
The paramount in the diagnosis of thalassemia
Individual and family history
screening for thalassemia
CBC, PBS , and iron studies
Charaterized by all FOUR alpha genes are deleted and no normal hemoglobin are produced
Alpha thalassemia Major (hydrops fetalis)
Three alpha genes deleted. decrease in alpha chains leads to beta chain excess
-heinz bodies present
-common in asian
Hemoglobin H disease (transfusion dependent )
two alpha genes are deleted and usually asymptomatic
ALpha thalassemia Minor / trait
one alpha gene is delete
Silent carrier
markedly decrease rate of synthesis or absence of both beta chain resulting to an excess of alpha chain
Beta thalassemia major (cooley anemia)
decrease rate of synthesis of one of the beta chain
Beta thalassemia minor /trait
with severe hemolytic anemia
with mild to moderate hemolytic anemia
with Mild hemolytic anemia
with no hematologic abnormalities