WBC Anomalies Flashcards
nuclear remnants of lymphocytes
-thumbprint appearance
Smudge cells
nuclear remnants of granulocytic cells
Basket cells
lymphocyte with hand-mirror appearance
–protrusion from cytoplasm
Hand-mirror lymphocytes
Alius-Grignaschi Anomaly aka.
Myeloperoxidase deficiency
low or absent myeloperoxidase enzyme
Alius-Grignaschi Anomaly
-normal ang cell morph
seen in IM
Hand mirror lymphocytes
tests in Chronic Granulomatous disease
- Chemiluminescence
2. Nitroblue Tetrazolium Reduction
CGD (+) in NBT reduction appears
no color change
Chronic Granulomatous disease affects what cells
able to engulf BUT NOT ABLE to DIGEST
more commonly affected gender in CGD
what are formed in CGD
deficiency in sphingomyelinase
Niemann-Pick Disease (NPD)
Cells found in Niemann-Pick disease
foam cel (Pick cell)
foam cell/pick cell is what cell?
NPD common in
Ashkenazi Jews
a defect in catabolic enzyme Beta-glucocerebroside
Gaucher disease
Gaucher disease cells appearance
crumpled tissue paper, onion skin appearance
pseudogaucher cell
myeloproliferative disorders
most common of the lipidoses
Gaucher disease
Gaucher disease tests
- Chitotriosidase
2. PAS
nucleus has greater than or equal to 6 lobes
Hypersegmented neutrophils
Hypersegmented neutrophils seen in
megaloblastic anemias
rare hereditary condition characterized by normal granulocyte production; nevertheless, there is impaired
release into the blood
Pelger-huet anomaly aka.
True or Congenital PHA
Pince-nez or spectacle form of nucleus
Pseudo pelger huet anomaly aka
Acquired PHA
Acquired PHA is seen in
acute myeloid leukemia, chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms, and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), HIV infection, tuberculosis, Mycoplasma pneumo
1-2 lobes
most common genetic disorder of WBC
Neutrophils in TRUE PHA
- show normal granulation
- function normally
Lupus Erythematosus cell (LE)
Found in SLE also in connective tissue disorders
neutrophil that has ingested the
antibody-coated nucleus of another neutrophil
or has engulfed the homogenous, globular
nuclear mass of a destroyed cel
Lupus Erythematosus cell (LE)
Flame cell
abnormal plasma cell with intensely eosinophilic or “flaming” cytoplasm
Flame cell/Thesaurocyte
flame cells are found in
IgA myeloma
considered to be an artifact,
found in CLL,
-normal lymphocyte but NOTECHED nucleus
Rieder cell
Morula cell/Mott cell
Grape cell
abnormal plasma cell with a cytoplasm
that is completely filled with Russel Bodies
Grape cell
found in Multiple myeloma (Plasma cell myeloma)
Grape cell
dense azurophilic
granulation in all types of leukocyte
-looks like toxic granules
Alder-Reilly anomaly
Alder-Reilly anomaly
Alder-Reilly anomaly
Granulation results from an abnormal
deposition and storage of mucopolysaccharides
other names for Alder-Reilly anomaly
- San filippo syndrome
- Hurler syndrome
- Hunter syndrome
basic defect in golgi complex
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
giant cytoplasmic granules
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
Chediak-Higashi syndrome cells
phagocytes (granulocytes, monocytes)
occasional in lymphocytes
seen in partial albinism
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
Small lymphocytes with little cytoplasmic
Hairy cells
test for Hairy cells
TRAP - Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase
TRAP result for Hairy cells
what is produced by Hairy cells to be tartrate reistant?
- Isoenzyme 5
may be seen in drug sensitivity
Tart cells
monocyte that has ingested a whole
lymphocyte or a nucleus
Tart cells
-Altered primary granules (present because
of rapid cell maturation)
toxic granulations
toxic granulations appear like
toxic granulation is seen in
severe infections and chemical poisoning (Lead poisoning)
linear projections of primary granules (rod-like)
auer rods
Auer rods seen in certain types of
Abnormal WBC with bundles of Auer rods in its cytoplasm
Faggot cell
owl’s eyes
Reed-Sternberg cell
what cell is a Reed-Sternberg cell
lymphoid cell
definitive histiologic characteristic of Hodgkin’s disease
Reed-Sternberg cell
-Poor neutrophil response to chemotactic
Lazy leukocyte syndrome
hyperimmunoglobulinemia E syndrome
Job syndrome
characterized by recurrent severe
bacterial infections, skeletal abnormalities, and
elevated levels of IgE
Job syndrome
presence of fat-containing vacuoles in granulocytes and monocyte
Jordan’s anomaly
Jordan’s anomaly is seen in
muscular dystrophy & icthyosis
Round or oval blue-staining cytoplasmic
inclusions found in neutrophils (arranged in
parallel rows and consisting of ribosomal
Dohle bodies
: pregnancy, severe burns, aplastic
anemia, scarlet fever and other infectious
diseases, and following administration of toxic
dohle bodies
appear like dohle bodies but with giant platelets
-gray-blue spindle shaped inclusions
May-Hegglin anomaly
Dohle bodies vs MHA inclusions are diff. by
Dohle bodies vs MHA inclusions:
PAS (+)
Dohle bodies
Dohle bodies vs MHA inclusions
MHA inclusion
Dohle bodies vs MHA inclusions:
larger in size
MHA inclusion
Dohle bodies vs MHA inclusions:
ribosomal RNA : Dohle (“DR”)