Most common cinical application of flow-cy
Diagnosis of Leukemias and lymphomas
most significant discovery that improved flowcy and its widespread application
monoclonal antibodies
what are other particles detected in flow cy aside from cells
chromosomes, microorganisms, and proteins.
composition of flow cytometry
fluidics, a light source (laser), multiple detectors, and a compute
advantage of flow cytometry from other techniques
its ability to quickly and simultaneously analyze multiple parameters
in a large number of cells
most commonly analyzed specimens in flow cytometry
bone marrow, peripheral blood, lymphoid tissues, body cavity fluids and solid tissues
spx. collection for Peripheral blood and BM spx
must be processed within 24 to 48 hours from time of collection
temp. and anticogaulant for PB and BM spx. for flow cytometry
Room temp, Heparin
injecting a cell suspension into a stream of sheath fluid.
hydrodynamic focusing
forward scatter detects
particle volume / size
Side scatter detects
Surface complexity and internal structures(granules & vacuoles)
hematopoietic cell marker
B lymphocyte markers
CD 19, 20, 22
T lymphocyte markers
CD 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8
Megakaryocytic markers
CD 41, 42, 61
Granulocytic/Monocytic markers
CD 33, 13, 15, 14
Erythroid markers
CD 71, Glycophorin A
A method useful for Acute Leukemias
Specimens in cytochemistry
Lymph nodes
Peripheral blood
for enzymatic techniques
Fresh smears
nonenzymatic techniques (PAS/SBB)
remain stable for months if stored at room temp
cytochem stain for differentiation Acute granulocytic leukemias from monocytic leukemias
Periodic Acid Scchiff is stain for