Warm Up - Full Manual Flashcards
When can you give bent elbow lifts?
In addition to or instead of shoulder walks
Which weights should students use in BELs?
Lighter or heavier. If you teach both SWs and BELs, tell students they may change weights in between.
How should you demo BELs?
Hold arms at side, bend to 90 degrees, raise arms slowly so elbows are at shoulder height and slightly wider than shoulders. Give BELs on the beat.
Why shouldn’t you give BELs to classes with lots of beginners?
Lots of counting so you can’t verbally adjuts
What’s the fastest students can move their weights from their waist back to shoulder height in BELs?
What tempos should you use for one-inch range lifts in BELs?
On tempo and two counts, never use pulse unless you’re alternating
What’s the max reps you can keep elbows at shoulder height in BELs before resetting them back down to just in front of the waist?
8 counts on tempo
If you’re lifting one inch up and one inch down from shoulder height in BELs, what are the maxes and at what tempo?
8x on tempo, 4x at two count. Can teach 16 alternating lifts at pulse tempo.
If you’re teaching students to lower their arms from shoulder height to halfway down in BELs, what are the maxes and at what tempo?
4x at two count
If you’re teaching students to hold their elbows at shoulder height and open their elbows outwards to the sides and back in to slightly wider than shoulder width, what are the maxes and at what tempo?
How many can you give in BELs when arms are open to the sides of the body?
NONE it’s not allowed
What are the rules in BELs for lifting weights up to shoulder height and back down to the waist?
Use a 2, 3, or 4 count tempo as many times as you wish
What are the rules in BELs for lifting weights halfway up to shoulder height and back down to the waist?
As many times as you wish
What are the rules in BELs for lifting weights up to shoulder height and halfway down?
Four times max at a two count tempo before resetting
What are the rules in BELs for lifting weights from shoulder height up and down an inch?
Four times max at a two count tempo before resetting
What are the rules in BELs for lifting weights from shoulder height up and down an inch when alternating?
16 times alternating at pulse tempo before resetting
What are the tempo restrictions for U-shaped bent elbow lifts?
Move into a lat pull position in a two or four count tempo.
How should you start U-shaped BELs?
“Arcing” down rather than opening arms outward or upward then dropping them down
What are the rules for starting U-shaped BELs?
Must do at least one four-count rep
What’s the suggested choreo for U-shaped BELs?
Do 4-8 full range U-shaped reps, then stop in lat pulls or stop in BELs
What are the rules in BELs for opening arms outwards to the sides and back to slightly wider than shoulder width?
Four times max (WHAT TEMPO???)
What are the rules in BELs for going from shoulder height, lowering elbows in two counts, raising up to shoulders in two counts, two counts outwards, and two counts back to shoulder width?
As many times as you wiFsh
What are the rules in BELs for moving your arms in an inch and out an inch from shoulder height?
Eight times on tempo or four times at a two-count tempo
What are the ruels in BELs for circling your weights from shoulder height?
Can do circles in either direction on tempo 8 times max before lowering elbows back down or four times at a two cuont tempo
What kind of movement is prohibited in BELs?
Bending and unbending elbows
What’s the max number of on tempo reps your elbows can be at shoulder height in BELs?
What are the modifications for BELs?
Lighter or no weights
What are the challenges for strong students in BELs?
Heavier weights
Which weights should you use in medial deltoid lifts?
Heavier or lighter (heavier preferred)
When can you do medial deltoid lifts?
After SW or BELs, but they work best combined with BELs
What foot position can you teach medial deltoid lifts in?
Parallel, NOT wide second
Where should you cue weights to be in medial deltoid lifts?
Between hips and shoulders
How should you cue students to move their weights in medial deltoid lifts?
Lowering elbows down and inch and back up to waist height on tempo
What are the safety restrictions for MDLs?
- Do not lift elbows higher than their waist.
- On tempo
- Max of 8 reps for a reset
- Max of 3 sets of 8 reps
What is the modification for MDLs and R/LPs?
Lighter or no weights
What are the requirements for the upper back exercises (rhomboid/lat pulls) being included in class?
You must give at least one of rhomboid, lat pulls, or biceps curls following shoulder work. You can give rhomboid or lat pulls or both. If you give one of these, shorten or eliminate biceps curls.
What are the rules for W2 weight work?
- Option to give gentle presses down for quads on tempo or pulse tempo
- Can give large range knee bends in W2 as long as you gave 8 on tempo presses down first. Large range reps are on tempo.
- Pulses can come before, during, or after weight work.
- Max 30 on tempo or pulse tempo
- When you set up this stance, pulses down are optional
Which weights should you use in rhomboid pulls and lat pulls?
What are the safety restrictions for rhomboid pulls?
- Elbows lower than shoulder height, halfway in height between hips and shoulders.
- Small, controlled movements
- When taught in W2, keep legs still while moving weights
How should you start rhomboid pulls?
Hold of at least 10 seconds to give students a chance to feel the right muscles.
What is the modification for wide second weight work?
Soften knees rather than bend them so they’re in a higher stance